Time flys

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*Five years later*

"Maggie will you just help me choose a colour scheme!" Alex shouted from the couch in the living room, about a million different kinds of wedding magazines splayed out in front of her. Maggie groaned audibly from the kitchen, taking another shot of whiskey out of a brand new bottle, she had finished the old one yesterday, she hated planning and she most certainly didn't think that Alex would be the "Bridezilla" type, oh god how wrong she was. 

"I told you Alex I don't give a shit what colour the tables are as long as you look smoking hot walking down that aisle!" Maggie shouted back poking her head out of the kitchen, In their penthouse apartment, Alex couldn't help but roll her eyes at Maggie, who came over and plumped herself down beside her wife to be, taking another wholesome swig of whisky like it was water, making Alex roll her eyes again, of course Maggie and to be drunk to handle any of the important stuff.   

"Have you chosen You're best man yet?" Alex asked, taking out another list from underneath the mountain of books, Maggie shook her head, Alex whacked Maggie over the back of the head with her notebook, making Maggie almost choke on her drink. "What the hell Al!" Maggie shouted holding the back of her head, which was already all over the place from the amount of alcohol she had consumed. 

"You were meant to have chosen by last week, we are getting Married in less than a month!" Alex shouted again, slamming her fist down on the table, god she loved that woman but she could be frustrating at times. Suddenly a phone rung breaking the tension, "Yours or mine?" Alex groaned rubbing her face with her hand. 

"Mine" Maggie replied picking up the phone, "Detective Solano" She said before standing up and walking into the kitchen, Alex's phone started ringing she sighed, picking it up. 

"Agent Doran" Alex said as she answered the phone, surprisingly and luckily for them they hadn't slipped up on their new identities yet, which was lucky seeing as Alex was working at the FBI, who has extremely thorough security checks. 


"Yeah, I've got it, next article by next Thursday, I'm on it, yeah, bye" Kara hung up her phone, she was walking down a busy street in the centre of New York City, She was on her way back to her apartment, she had got her own place as soon as she could, living with a couple was not the best idea, especially if it was your sister, somethings she just didn't have to hear. Kara's phone rang again, she rolled her eyes, hoping it was something other than work, she picked up the phone. "Katy Doran" Kara said, still keeping up her new identity. It was Winn  who was on the other end of the phone, one of the tech guys who worked at the New York Times, Kara knew that he had a thing for her but she just didn't see him like that. 

"Katy, buckle down apparently theres a new boss coming to the NYT, just though I should warn you" Winn said through the receiver, before hanging up, he was a strange one that Winn, Kara thought before putting her phone away she had bigger thing to worry about that a new boss at work, It was her girlfriend's and hers one year anniversary tomorrow and she still had nothing planned, she walked into Noonans a cute little hipster cafe that she liked to go to in her lunch breaks and today she had a specific lunch date with said girlfriend. Kara waled in and smiled as she saw her girlfriend sitting at their usual window seat in the cafe, she walked over. 

"Hey babe" Kara greeted cheerily, placing a delicate kiss on the woman's cheek, who smiled at the arrival of Kara, who sat down opposite her girlfriend. a coffee already waiting for her, she smiled at how caring her girlfriend was. 

"Katy" Her girlfriend said sheepishly, her brown eyes not quite meeting Kara's blue ones, she was shuffling in her seat with nerves.   

"Lucy?" Kara said, furrowing her eyebrows, confused at why she looked so nervous. 

"Do you mind if we grab dinner together instead of lunch, I have a meeting with another Lawyer to discuss settlement" Lucy asked, Kara sighed heavily she was sure that Lucy was either going to propose or break up with her, so this was a happy surprise. 

"Yeah of course babe, go! go!" Kara said laughing, Lucy got up instantly leaning over the table to give Kara a peck on the lips.

"Thanks babe! You're the best!" Lucy yelled back at Kara before running out of the coffee shop, Kara laughed at her girlfriend, Lucy was a prosecution lawyer and Kara knew that her job would always be priority number one to her, but she was brilliant and one day she was going to be the most sought after Lawyer in New York, Kara was sure of it. Kara leaned back in her chair and looked out of the window at the busy New York street when suddenly she saw her, Kara's mouth dried up immediately, walking down the street, phone to her ear was Lena, Kara was sure of it, the same deep emerald eyes and wavy brown hair, like a fallen goddess, Kara's jaw flew open, and In a second Lena had walked pas the coffee shop window and out of Kara's sight, the blonde whipped out her phone and dialled Alex. 

"Alex, you won't believe who I just saw"

Authors Note:   

Hey guys I hope that you are all enjoying the book so far and thank you for all the reads, votes and comments it means a lot!   

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