Civil War

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"This god dam, mother fucking car!" Lena shouted in anger kicking the side of what was discovered to be Lucy, not Kara's car. They had been driving all night trying to reach some sort of werewolf pack that Lena apparently had links to, but the car had broken down along the way and Lena could not figure out for the life of her what was wrong, Kara sat on the side of the road, she had called Lucy more than one hundred times since her, Kara guessed ex-girlfriend had ran out on her and her baggage, she still wasn't picking up and even worse than that, her inbox was full. Kara heard a string in unrepeatable curses string out of Lena's mouth, she sighed, regretting her decision to push Lena into letting her join this little quest to find her brothers and bring them back to safety. As best as she could make out, Kara came to the conclusion that they were in the middle of nowhere, she pushed away tears that were beginning to fall down her cheeks, realising that her whole life that she had managed to build for herself after mystic falls was falling apart all because of her hopeless, toxic crush. 

Talking about toxic crushes, Lena sat down beside Kara on the side of the road, she looked less than impressed, already this plan was going wrong and the best thing was they hadn't even reached their destination, this was meant to be the easy part. Suddenly the two woman saw a car in the distance, Lena smiled as she stood up getting ready to do something despicable because apparently thats just who she was. 

"Lena what are you going to do?" Kara asked, a little scared to know the answer, she much preferred thinking of Lena as a bit like the kind monster, not as what she really was. Lena began to walk out into the middle of the road before turning round to face Kara who was now on her feet. 

"I'm going to get us a new car" Lena smiled, cracking her neck like she was ready for a fight, "and maybe some breakfast, I'm starving" Lena said cocking her head, like she was a prophet deep in thought, Kara gulped holding onto Lena's sleeve, keeping her on the side of the road, for now. Seeing as Lena could shake her of in a second if she wanted to. 

"Lena don't" Kara said simply, shaking her head, giving Lena her up most warning look that even managed to scare Alex half to death sometimes and she was one tough cookie. Lena yanked her arm away from Kara's hold, a deadly glare gracing her own face. 

"Why not, it's just one human" Lena said as if taking a life was nothing more than a task that needed doing at one point or another. Kara was more than taken aback by this, all this time she had thought Lena was better than the rest of her kind, that she actually had respect for other races and creatures that inhabited this world, but obviously she was wrong.  

"A human that could have children, or an entire family depending on them," Kara paused fling her hands up in the air in anger, "You can't just go around killing whoever you want just because its convenient for you, that's a living, breathing person!" Kara shouted with such force, and if looks could kill Lena would most certainly be dying a very real death. "Do you not realise that you sound like a monster?" Kara said in disgust. Lena laughed loudly, taking a step forward towards the blonde. 

"I am a  monster Kara, that's who I am!" Lena shouted, her fangs beginning to show in her anger and frustration. 

"You never used to be like this, you used to value life!" Kara shouted, standing her ground, her arms now firmly crossed. "You saved my life more than once, you proved you weren't this monster and now your throwing all that away!" Kara challenged, her eyed filled with rage, Lena sighed, screwing up her face with frustration. 

"That was different!" Lena growled, Kara was confused now as she furrowed her eyebrows. 

"In what universe was that different?" Kara asked, Lena rolled her eyes, was this girl completely clueless, even now? 

"Because I liked you, loved you even!" Lena confessed, Kara's eyes widened in shock, she always thought Lena had never really truly cared for her, and to hear her use that love sent shivers up her spine. "Why do you think I hated that girlfriend of yours so much?" Lena said shaking her head as she walked off the road, allowing the passing car to drive on unchallenged much to Kara's relief. 

"We could never work" Kara managed to croak out, even though it hurt her deepest heart string to admit it, Lena nodded as she began to walk down the side of the road, biting back her fangs that had come out to play. Kara looked after her confused at where the brunette was going. 

"Where are you going?" Kara called after her, 

"Well seeing as you wouldn't let me get us a new car, we should start walking its still a long way to New Orleans" Lena muttered just loud enough for Kara to hear.

Authors Note  

hey guys hope you enjoyed that chapter and thank you for all the votes, comments and reads it means a lot!

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