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Little fact you should know, Joshua loves children. He has always dreamt of working with them, too. He has always wanted to work in a school and Tyler has always pushed him to achieving it, and today is the day! With almost a month of searching, calling, meeting, a middle school about four miles away has called asking him to come in for an interview.


Tyler's pov:
"Just wear that! You look fine!", "No, I look too formal. I don't want to come across keen", "What?! You make no sense!".

I storm out the bedroom whilst he fussed over what to wear. I told him, the navy blue one! My laptops turns on and I open One Drive where all my assignments and course work is stored, until they're sent to the lecturer for marking. I've finally started my online college course, and frankly, it's going great! Their site had many options, like the arts, sports studies and everything in between. I was torn between English literature and psychology, but since I want to work as a High Intensity Therapist I decided on psychology.

"Okay then, what about this?" Josh intrudes, holding another suit. It's boring and black. "That looks too business like" I mumble, not paying much attention. "Fine, I'll FaceTime Brendon and get his opinion" he stomps out. He looks so funny in just a dress shirt and boxers.

"Dude, this or this?" Josh is already on the phone to Brendon, who has a slight dress sense, and that's thanks to Jenna! My feet run back to our room, before he becomes brainwashed. "Brendon! Is Jenna there?" "Yeah, wh-" "Put her on!" Jenna's face pops up on the screen, with a mouth full of cereal. "Jen, what suit looks better? The navy or black one?" She hums to herself, then chooses the navy. "It'll suit Josh, the black one is more for teaching" I stare at Josh the whole time she's saying this, pride bloating my ego. "Huh? What did I say?" I ask him, patronisingly. "Hey, don't get mouthy to me" his eye brow raises at me. I stick my tongue out at him, getting the exact reaction I wanted, "I wouldn't do that if I were you". "Oh my god, are they having their first lovers tiff!?" Brendon says to Jenna still unaware that we can hear. "No!" "Yes!" a contrast of answers come from us, "No we're not, cause' I was right!" I hang up and proudly hand him his phone. A cheeky smile shines in his face, as a 'fuck you' before I turn smoothly on my heels and skipping away. 1 to Tyler, 0 to Josh.

"You're such a brat" he says to himself, but purposefully loud enough for me to hear. I walk, hands held in front of me, my shoulders lift into a shrug. "Maybe it's a sign from the gods that you should listen to me, I don't know" my sarcastic tone comes on too strong. "And what makes you think you have a better fashion sense than me?" he threads his belt through his trousers. "Who's the bottom of this relationship?" "You?" "So, that means I am more gayer" "Right..." "Stereotypically, girls with gay best friends tend to have cuter outfits. With me here?" "Okay-" "Therefore, that means I have a better fashion taste!" I click my fingers in front of his face, but he grabs my arm and brings it above my head, forcing me to come closer. "Remember who you're talking to" he warns. My hairs stand on end, "You. I'm talking to you" my voice whimpers as he tightens the grip on my wrist. "Who?", "I-I'm talking to daddy". "That's right".


"Can you help daddy do his tie, baby?" he sits on the edge of the bed, spreading his legs open for me to fix his tie. I pop his collar for me to lay the tie around his neck. I feel his eyes fixed on me and his thumbs rubbing circles into the sides of my thighs all whilst I'm doing this. "I don't like you looking up at my neck like that", "Why?", "It's an unflattering angle", "I think it's cute to watch you from here. I get to see your tongue poke out when you concentrate" a half smile appears on my face. He spins me around sits me on his knee, now I can see both of us in the mirror. He looks drop dead gorgeous in his suit. If he gets this job, I will be jazzed that I get to see him EVERYDAY in suits and ties!

"What're you smiling at, sweetheart?" he catches a glimpse of me grinning crazily to myself. "You: you look very handsome daddy..." I shyly mumble with my thumb wedged between my teeth. This is my way of regressing into little space. "Aww sweetie, do you really think so? Do you really think daddy looks handsome?" I nod with a "Mhm". "Aren't you just adorable! Why, thank you, kitten!" his continuous praise makes me go red and embarrassed, so I nuzzle my head into his neck and I wrap my arms around him. "Has a certain someone gone all silly and shy?" I feel his hand on my butt and that makes me squirm a little. "Uh-huh". He rubs and pats my butt softly, which makes me sleepy. "Daddies gotta get up, he needs to get ready" he shifts me off his lap and I pout already from the loss of contact. Instead, I scurry to the kitchen and I make him a coffee, hopefully this will delay him by ten minutes.

Matter of fact, it didn't work. I think he knew my little plan. Bummer.

"When I get a moment I'll give you a text. Need anything, call me" he leans down to peck my lips and he quickly squeezes me before hurrying out the door.


Work work work. Another assignment has been set, how fun. Here I am sat with 2 cups of coffee, looking like a caffeine addict. I'm scrolling and scrolling on google for research on PTSD. I have to gather information on triggers for PTSD, who may suffer with it and disorders linked to it. So far, not much luck on finding anything. Until a site comes up, claiming to have a whole article on PTSD. Just my luck!

I spend the next 20 minutes flicking between Word and this website, making notes, adding photos, adding hyperlinks. I flick back on it, and a huge advert blocks the screen: '10 FOODS TO AVOID FOR A FLAT BELLY'. Huh? Why has this come up? Whilst we're here, I may as well see what this is about. 'THROW THESE OUT YOUR CUPBOARD RIGHT NOW!!!' That's a bit demanding. At the click of my mouse I'm introduced to all the foods that surprisingly rack up lots of calories and pounds. Milk? I thought that was good for you! Not even the boxes of salad you get is healthy! My eyes rake over tons of sites that shows food to avoid at all costs, and now I feel quite disgusted.

I run to the kitchen and pantry with red and green post it notes and I go crazy, labelling foods 'Safe' and 'Unsafe'. I even look on the nutrition facts on the back of certain foods. Is this really the amount of salt, sugars and calories we consume everyday? I guess you could say that I am sceptical with what I eat now.

Even though I've already took enough action to label everything in the house like a mad man, I still find myself looking on the internet. I type, 'healthy diets for weight loss'. That way I can eat healthy and lose a bit of extra chunk, win win situation! I look down at my legs, noticing how my thighs almost morph into one when I'm sat down. Suppose' I could afford to lose some weight.

I jot down different diets, consisting of light foods, exercise and a set calorie intake everyday. This should be fun!


Josh's pov:
"These are the 5th graders. As you can see, they're kind of...unique" he points out a few kids throwing paper balls across the room at their teacher, two boys viciously 'play' fighting and a girl at the back paining a bright shade of lipgloss to her lips. "Very".

"Thank you, Mr Dun! We will be in touch" he holds his hand out for a handshake which turns out to be rather rough. And with that, we depart our ways.


"Tyler, I'm on my way home now. I'm stopping at McDonalds. Want anything?" I speak aloud in my car as my phone is on Bluetooth. "No, thanks: I'm on a diet!" I choke on the air, "You've gone on a diet in the space of an hour or so?" I can't help but blurt out laughing. "I'm being serious! I read an article online about foods that secretly hold loads of calories" "Ah, sure Ty, I'm sure you're being serious. But, so you really believe that?" There's a five second silence until he snaps back, "Well you don't believe what's on TV, and that's more reliable". I can almost picture his face: pure smug and possibly mimicking me. "Okay, suit yourself. See you shortly, baby boy", "Bye bye, daddy".

A/N dun dun DUN! Do you guys see where this is going? VOTE

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