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👻 Halloween special! 🎃
Q: What is everyone going as for Halloween? I'm going as Little Red Riding Hood!


Josh's pov:
"Yeah, you two should come!" Jenna exclaims. Her and Brendon are holding a Halloween gathering/party at hers, since her mom is away for a couple days. "We'd love to! Shit-that means we only have today to get costumes!" I turn to Tyler who has a wide eye expression. I can almost see his mind racing with ideas for costumes.

"Anyway, we will be off, gotta' decorate! Be there by 9" Jenna says as Brendon points a finger at us. Once they leave we grab for our phones to find costume ideas in a hurry. "Okay, so there's Eleven and the demogorgon?" He shows me a cosplay of two people dressed as them. I shake my head.

"Hmm...what about...this one?" I show him an image of a couple dressed as vampires. "Nah, that's boring. Plus, I don't fancy bite marks on my neck you the end of the night" he bosses me, with raised brows, jokingly. "Mm, that would be hot though" I reply, pushing him down gently on the couch next to me, planting soft pecks and licks to his neck, then he pushes me off abruptly. "Skeletons! We can go as skeletons!" His smile widens and his eyes shine brightly like stars.

"Why skeletons?" I ask in curiosity. "I happen to think they're pretty darn cool" I shrug my shoulders, not thinking of anything else to reply. "Skeletons it is" he almost falls off the couch with excitement. "Yay! Let's look for costumes!!" he drags me to the door and we run down the stairs to the parking lot.


Tyler's pov:
"I'm driving" I push past him but he picks me up and moves me from the drivers side. "No, Josh. I'm driving" I say seriously, using his actual name as a warning. "And we're getting an Uber to and from the party tonight", "Why?" I wedge myself between the car and Josh, so he can't get into my side of the car. "l don't trust you to drive with me in the car, just yet" I bump him out the way and I slip into the drivers seat. After adjusting the seat and putting my seatbelt on, Josh gets into the passenger side with a mood on him. His face is a mix of slight anger with confusion. "I just don't feel comfortable with you driving with me. Not after what happened..." we kind of exchange looks back and forth, awkwardly. "It wasn't my fault" he speaks loudly under his breath. "Yes-but I don't want anything bad to happen, you know? Can never be too safe" I say whilst tugging at my seat belt and leaning over to Josh's side and doing the same, but pulling at his belt clip and tightening it across his crotch and chest.

The short car drive to town is painfully quiet. I can easily tell he's thinking to himself, feeling ticked off. Because his eyes dart around his surroundings when we pass through stoplights and streets and shops. "Don't be mad at me" I whine quietly, turning my head to Josh before looking back at the road. "Mhm" he grumpily says. I pull the car into a parking space not far from the stores, making sure I'm not too close to other cars. I pop my belt from the clip and I turn fully in my seat to face Josh. He is refusing to make eye contact with me and creates useless rustling in the glove box just to get his wallet and our apartment keys. "Hey! I'm talking to you" I snap. His eyes widen when he finally turns to me, "Look at you, being loud" he winds me up. "I'm being serious!" he closes the glove box, puts his phone and keys on my dashboard and turns, finally listening to me. "Please don't be mad that I don't want you to drive" my hand strokes upon the side of his neck and up into his hair, wiping my thumb from his temple to behind his ear. "I'm just being cautious. It's nothing you've do-", "Do you not trust me?" his face is expressionless and blank as says those words. "Don't say that...you know I trust you with my life" my voice is an almost whisper. I take both his hands into mine and I look him in the eyes. "I'm taking every measure to make sure I don't lose you again. The first time was hard enough, I can't afford a second time. I don't think my little heart could handle it". He glances from my eyes to lips before nodding slowly, "I understand". We hop out the car and he wraps his arm around my shoulder, with fingers kneading into my skin.

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