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**Trigger warning: mentions of violence, smut, BDSM, slight blood and degrading**
Tyler's pov:
I'm not letting myself slack anymore. No cheat days. Nothing. I'm starting a fresh. I've started going jogging, me and Josh occasionally go to the gym when he is free, I eat clean even if Josh wants to eat greasy foods.

When he isn't looking, slyly, I swap the chocolate bar in his bag to an orange from the fridge. "See you at 4,  sweetness, behave yourself" he kisses me on the lips then he leaves me all alone in our apartment. Hmph. It's days like this I wish we had a cat or dog or something to keep me occupied. I've got nothing to do: no cleaning, no laundry, no college work. I suppose I could just waste some time and take a walk round town. That should burn some calories, too.

I slip on my black and navy trainers as well as a zip up jacket and comfy bottoms before I set off. Phone? Check. Keys? Yep. Wallet? Got it. I fit all these into my pockets somehow and I jog down the apartment stairs and out into the crisp breeze. The air is like a sharp smack to the face, it's freezing! My fingers fumble for the zip on my jacket, and I pull it up and I start my jog.


My nose is as red as Rudolph's from my exhausted breaths and the bitter weather, gosh I'm so unfit. My ear bud falls out my ear just as I get a déjà vu, I'm by the Halloween costume store, which is now decorated for Christmas with Santa outfits and novelty jumpers. The windows are frosted with fake snow and it really gives off a wintery atmosphere. My attention is drawn to a reflection in the window behind me, of the store Josh ran into that time, leaving me to wait for him in this exact spot. I am intrigued.

The store looks just as suspicious close up as it does far away. There's a bold warning sign on the door with a clear message screaming: "NO UNDER 18s. MUST HAVE PROOF OF IDENTITY". Safe to say, I am a tiny bit concerned. Small shuffles at a time, I enter the store, and my eyes widen more than an owl on caffeine! I've not even looked around properly and there's whips hanging from shelves, pleasure toys in obvious boxes, and there's a mannequin right in front of the entrance modelling a body harness. This is what the saying, 'curiosity killed the cat' is about. I can't even turn around and leave, because a member of staff has seen me and has started walking towards me. "Hello! Anything I can help you with today?" A man walks over, with a deep intimidating voice, with pitch black dark hair and a lip piercing, ironically, greets me with a happy smile. "I-uh-no,thanks. I'm just browsing". He simply says to find him if I need help, which I won't be asking for help.

I walk down an aisle, timidly, with massive dicks and sex toys hovering around me. My eyes are directed elsewhere, to an aisle specifically for DDLG/DDLB stuff, theres a whole section dedicated to pacifiers and pet play stuff. I bite the inside of my cheeks to contain my excitement as I walk slightly more faster towards my 7th heaven. Curiously, I pick up everything I see, seeing how it's worn, how it works and if I could work it. There's an adorable set of kitty ears that, quite honestly, look cute on me.

The neighbouring aisle has BDSM stuff galore. Everything from harness' to painful whips. I pick up a whip that has leather tassels on the end and stupidly, I lash my leg softly, but it still stings! "Ow", I put it back on the shelf, I don't think I could survive that. I have a change of heart when I see handcuffs and blindfolds. I pick up the handcuffs and I tug them, wow, they're pretty secure. All the things running through my head right now, isn't Daddy a lucky man.


With a light jog home from town, I'm back around 12 ish. I spend the rest of my time doing cardio exercises, like jumping jacks, squats and burpees. "3, 2, 1..." I feel the sweat coming off my head, my hair is stuck to my forehead and my chests is rising and collapsing so fast.

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