The Southern Air Temple

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Kida's Pov:

I jolted up in bed. I looked around and saw that I was in a Fire Nation ship. I started to freak out, till I remembered what had happened the previous day. I stood up and walked out of the room, I made my way up and onto the deck. I looked around to see that no one else was on the deck, the sun was rising. I found my self thinking about my sister and brother and Aang, wondering where and what they were doing. I heard someone come out and onto deck.

"Hello little one, what are thinking about?" Iroh asked

"My brother and sister." I said

"You'll see them again. They are with the Avatar and we are chasing the Avatar." Iroh said

"Yeah, but I don't think your nephew is going to let me leave this ship." I said

"That doesn't mean you can't escape. You should head back inside your catch cold if you stay out here any longer." Iroh said

I laughed.

"Really, Iroh. I'm from the South Pole and my element is ice." I said

Iroh just smiled and left, I followed after him. I walked into Zuko's room to see him sitting on his bed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I said

"I'm a fire bender I rise with the sun." Zuko said

"Okay. I have a question." I said

"What is it?" Zuko asked

"Is all fire red?" I asked

"No. My sister's fire is blue. Why do you ask?" Zuko asked

"No reason." I said

I looked away.

"You're lying." Zuko said

"No I'm not. I just wanted to know." I said

Zuko looked at me, he didn't believe me but didn't push the subject. Zuko got up.

"Come with me." Zuko said

I got up and followed him out of the room, he headed up onto the deck. Iroh was back on deck and so were a few other guards.

"Little one, come sit with me." Iroh said

I walked over and sat down next to Iroh. Zuko began his fire bending warm-ups. I hate to admit it but watching Zuko train was cool. When Zuko finished he turned and looked over to Iroh and me.

"Good job, Zuko. We will do more at lunch." Iroh said

Zuko rolled his eyes.

"How about a cup of Jasmine tea." Iroh said more as a statement than a question.

Zuko sat down, but had scowl on his face.

- - - - - Time Skip to that night - - - - -

Zuko and I were back in his room, he kept looking over at me.

"What can I do for you Zuko?" I asked

"I don't get it." Zuko said

"Get what?" I asked

"You fought me and were able to hold your own, but when the Avatar and I were fighting in this room, you looked terrified. You watched my training today and you looked a little amazed. I don't understand why you are acting so different." Zuko said

"I guess I don't do well with fire when I'm in an in closed space." I said

Zuko nodded his head.

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