The Desert

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Zuko, Iroh, and I were all on the ostrich horse. I had to sit on Zuko's lap because the ostrich horse wasn't big enough for the three of us to sit normal. It was kind of painful sitting on the ostrich horse because of the way I had to sit, and the length of time we were riding. I didn't make say anything, Iroh on the other moaned in pain.

"Maybe we should make camp." Zuko said

"No please, don't stop just for me." Iroh said

"I'm not I'm stopping for Kida as well." Zuko said

We all dismount the ostrich horse, it is alarmed by something. Zuko puts me behind him, and takes a firebending stance.

"What now?" Iroh asked annoyed

The Rough Rhinos ride through the thicket at both sides of the road we were once traveling on. Mongke's rhino steps the ground forcefully breaking the surface. Mongke is pulls back the reigns. Zuko keeps up his defensive position, looking at the men the surround us. Iroh's face clears up as he stands up and places his hand on Zuko's shoulder. I keep close to Zuko remembering what happened last time I had seen them.

"Colonel Mongke! What a pleasant surprise!" Iroh said

"If you're surprised we're here, then the Dragon of the West has lost a few steps." Mongke said

The rough Rhinos prepare themselves for battle, each readying their own weapon of expertise.

"You know these guys?" Zuko asked

"Sure. Colonel Mongke and the Rough Rhinos are legendary. Each one is different kind of weapon specialist. They are also a very capable singing group." Iroh said

Mongke raises his fist, ready for firebending.

"We're not here to give a concert. We're here to apprehend fugitives!" Mongke said

"Would you like some tea first? I'd love some. How about you, Kachi? I make you as a jasmine man. AM I right?" Iroh asked

"Enough stalling! Round 'em up! And be careful of the white haired girl you remember what happened last time." Mongke said

The dark skinned pony tailed guy that swings his ball and chain at Iroh, who kicks it away. The chain wraps itself around the leg of a nearby standing Rhino. Iroh tumbles over the ground, dodging two fire blasts. He rises back up and hits the Rhino in the rear, making it dash away, yanking the dark skinned warrior off his rhino and dragging him along. Iroh waves goodbye as he watches them go.

The archer shoots a lit arrow at Zuko. He quickly reacts by knocking the arrow away and releasing a fire blast, burning a hole in the surprised archer's bow.

Mongke joins the fight by directing some fire blasts at Iroh, I freeze them before they can reach Iroh. As Mongke is busy with Iroh and I, Zuko runs up and jumps on the back of the Rhino. With two spinning fire kicks, he sends Colonel Mongke flying.

Iroh and I run to the ostrich horse, jumps on and rides towards Zuko, who awaits us, standing on the Rhino of Colonel Mongke. As he jumps on another Rough Rhino immediately starts and pursuit. The Rider throws a grenade at us. I freeze the grenade and send it back at the rider who through it. Once it is in front of the rhinos I unfreeze it and it explodes. Giving us the coverage we need to get away.

"It's nice to see old friends." Iroh said

"Too bad you don't have any old friends that don't want to attack you." Zuko said

"Hmmm...Old friends that don't want to attack me..." Iroh said

- - - - - Unknown Time Skip - - - - -

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