The Siege of the North Pole Part 2

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Author's Note:

I honor of Saint Nicholas Day (Christian), Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexican), St. Lucia Day (Swedish), Hanukkah (Jewish), Christmas Day (Christian), Three Kings Day/Epiphany (Christian), Boxing Day (Australian, Canadian, English, Irish), Kwanzaa (African American), Omisoka (Japanese), Yule (Pagan), Saturnalia (Pagan). Here is a early chapter.

Sokka, Yue, Katara and I were in the Oasis. I look down at the pond to the two koi fish swimming in there circle.

"I can't believe I lost him." Katara said

"You did everything you could." I said

"And now we need to do everything we can to get him back." Sokka said

Katara look sat us with tears in her eyes.

"Zuko can't have gotten far. We'll find him. Aang's gonna be fine." Sokka said

"Okay." Katara said

She closes her eyes and gets up. Katara opens her eyes and quickly climbs onto Appa.

"I'll stay here, with Momo. Just in case Aang comes back." I said

"Okay, be careful." Sokka said

"I will." I said

"Yip, yip." Sokka said

Appa takes off. I watch them fly away. I start to walk around the Oasis. I see a glowing blue stone in the middle of the koi pond, I reach towards...

Spirit World:

Aang was sitting in a meditating position on a small wooden platform in an unknown location in the Spirit World. A large white bird of some sort flies past. Aang stands and start walking around. Aang hears a sound he turns his head to look for the sound. He walks towards the figure, to see a monkey-like creature.

"Hello? I'm sorry to disturb you. I just really need to find the Moon and Ocean Spirits." Aang said

"Go. Away. (opens one eye) You're still here?" the baboon spirit asked

"Yes, I need-" Aang said

"(the baboon spirit shuts his eyes tightly. Louder, trying to distract himself) Ohm! (a firefly flies past) Perhaps that thing will help you. Chase it." the baboon spirit said

Aang chase the instinct throughout the swamp and up a tree. Aang leaps up and manage to grasp hold of it and is delighted in doing so. Aang land on a tree branch which instantly shrivels up and disappears entirely, causing him to fall. He falls into the water. He lies on his back in the water, the firefly having escaped his grip. It flies away as he tries to reach it again.

"Come back!" Aang yells

He stands up. Aang looks down at the water, then Roku suddenly appears before him in a reflection in the water.

"Hello, Aang." Roku said

"Roku!" Aang said

Frozen Tundra:

Zuko continue to trek through the icy tundra. He steps and the ice beneath him begins to crack, his eyes widen in surprise at this. The ice begins to splinter and cave in. He begins running, through the snow. An impact of the ice caving in throws him off-balance. He is thrown several feet away and lands roughly in the snow, losing his grip on Aang and kicking up a cloud of snow. The cloud dissipates, Zuko see Aang lying in the snow. He looks around and see a cave off in the distance.

"Shelter." Zuko said

He drags Aang into the cave and tie him up.

Spirit World:

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