The Southern Raiders

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I was the first to wake up. I left my room and walked out to see that everyone was asleep in the courtyard. Chit Sang was snoring. Teo, The Duke, and Haru were sleeping next to each other. Hakoda was in-between Sokka and Katara. Toph was under one of her earth tents. Zuko was off to the side. Aang was sleeping on Appa. I hear something be launched, I turn just in time to see a bomb come flying toward us. I throw up an ice wall just in time. the sound of it exploding causes everyone to wake up.

"What's going on?" Haru asked

"Were under attack." I said

I hear two more bombs, and I reinforce the wall. I can feel it trying to give way.

"Kida drop it." Katara yells

"Not yet." I said

Aang quickly does something that cause metal doors to close around the temple. I drop the ice wall. I bend over and breath hard. Bombs contiue to be sent towards the temple.

"Watch out." Zuko yells

I'm then pushed out of the way as a piece of the ceiling land where I was once standing.

"Thanks." I said

"This way." Haur yells

I turn to see that Toph and he had created a way out

"Come on! We can get out through here." Toph yells

We all run over to the passageway. Aang is trying to get Appa to leave but he won't budge. Zuko is standing looking at the metal doors.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Go ahead! I'll hold them off. I think this is family visit." Zuko said

He then runs off.

"Zuko!" I yell

I go to run after him, but Sokka stops me.

"Come on the sooner we get out the sooner we can help him." Sokka said

I nod. We try to pull Appa into the passageway but he won't budge.

"I can't get him to go in there. Appa hates tunnels." Aang said

"Aang, there's no way we can fly out of here." Katara said

"We'll have to find a way." Aang said

"We need to spilt up." I said

Sokka nods and turns to look at, Hakoda, Suki, Haru, Teo, Chit Sang and The Duke.

"Take the tunnel and get to the stolen airship." Sokka said

"No. The Fire Nation can't separate out family again." Katara said

"It'll be okay. It's not forever." Hakoda said

"I'm coming with you guys." Suki said

Katara hesitates before hugging her dad and running back to us. We all climb on to Appa. Toph is on the ground still, she has her hand on a wall.

"I can clear that away and we can fly out through there." Toph said

"Um, there's an awful lot of fire in that general direction..." Suki trails off

"We'll get through. Let's go." Aang said

Appa flies out through to the outside of the temple, covered by a shield of rock and ice. I can feel the fire trying to get through, but Appa escapes and the shield disintegrates. I see Zuko onto of another airship. They start to face off. Zuko makes the first move. He jumps toward Azula, who sends columns of fire at him, which he responds to with more blasts. The two attack each other several times. We continue to dodge bombs and fire blasts. Katara and I deflect several large whips of fire with our firebending. We rise above the airship to avoid more fire. There is a explosion I turn to see Zuko and Azula being launched several different ways. Katara catches Zuko but Azula is left falling.

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