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Author's Note:

Once again this chapter much like the last well be sort. But important to the relationship of Zuko and Kida.

Kida's Pov:

When I woke up the next morning I noticed something was different. Whatever I was laying on was soft and warm. I sat up and looked down to see that I was on the bed, I looked over to where I usually sleep to see no one there. I got up and head up on deck, when I arrived on deck I noticed that the sun was rising.

"Well this is new." I said

Zuko turned and looked at me.

"You mean me up before you, or you waking up in a actually bed?" Zuko asked

"Both. How long was I in your bed?" I asked

"A hour at the most. When I woke up I picked you up and moved you. You not mad are you?" Zuko asked

"No I was a little alarmed when I first woke up because I wasn't used to it, but I do admit that it felt nice." I said

Zuko smirked. I just shook my head.

"Why are you up so soon?" I asked

"I couldn't seem to fall asleep some things were keeping me awake." Zuko said

"Like Aang." I said

"He is just one of the many." Zuko said

"What are the other things?" I asked

Zuko thought about it. He grabbed my hand and started to walk back towards his room, once we got to his room we entered and he shut and locked the door. He let go of me and started pacing I sat down on his bed.

"Zhao. He is hunting the Avatar as well. Then there are your siblings who are helping Aang get away from me. Never being able to find him. You. My father. What Zhao said back at the port." Zuko said

"Wait did you say me. What am I doing that is keeping you up at night?" I asked

"Everything. Yet nothing." Zuko said

"So basically me being here is getting in your way of getting Aang and thus getting you passage back into the fire nation. So I should have left when you gave me the chance." I said

"No. The last thing I want you to do is leave. I was so upset when I thought you left, you have no idea how happy you made me when you stayed." Zuko said

I didn't say anything. I just sat there, I heard him move, I saw him kneel down in front of me. He put his hand under my chin and titled my head up so I was looking up at him.

"I have something for you." He said

He let go of my chin he raised his other hand up. In his hand was a small box. He handed it to me. I opened the box inside of it was the blue necklace from Zhao's port. It was beautiful.

"Iroh bought you the outfit that it was showed with it. I don't know when he will give it to you but, I thought you should know." Zuko said

"Zuko. It's beautiful it must have coasted a fortune." I said

"As you have pointed out before I am a prince." Zuko said

I laughed.

"Do you want me to put it on you?" Zuko asked

"Yes, please." I said

I stood up and turned around so my back was facing him, I pulled all my hair to one side. I felt the pendant lay on my neck, I felt his hands on the back of my neck. His fingertips glide over my shoulder. I turned around and looked up and him.

"Thank you." I said

I hug him, and he hugged me back. When we pulled apart, he was looking down at me and I was looking up at him. We leaned towards each other. We were only a few inches apart when a knock on the door had us pulling apart.

"I swear." Zuko said

Zuko opened the door and on the other side stood Iroh.

"Is everything okay, I was concerned since you two weren't on deck already." Iroh said

Zuko gave a big huff, some smoke came out of his noes, he kind of looked like a bull. He didn't say anything he just stomped out of the room. Iroh looked into the room at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" Iroh asked

"No not at all Iroh." I said

Iroh nodded his head, I shut the door and changed. I then headed up onto deck. Zuko had already started his daily training.

- - - - - Time Skip of Three Days - - - - -

We were all out on deck when one of the engine came up to us.

"Sorry to interrupt sir. But we are out of coal and will be changing course to head to the closet coal rig." the man said

Zuko made a sound to which both Iroh and I gave him look.

"Very well." Zuko said

-- -- -- -- -- Time Skip to Arriving at the Coal Rig -- -- -- -- --

When we arrived, you could tell something had happened. One of the members of the rig was walking by when Zuko stopped him.

"What happened here?" Zuko asked

"The Avatar and two of his friends. They got the earth benders to rebel." the guard said

I moved away from them. I was walking towards one of the railings when I saw something on the floor. I bent over and picked it up. It was Katara's necklace. I hear someone coming up behind me.

"What is that?" Zuko asked

"My mother's necklace. Katara wears it. It must have come untied. I wonder if she knows it's gone." I said

"Well, were just going to have to return it to her." Zuko said

Zuko goes to take it from me, but stops.

"Why don't you hold on to it." Zuko said

I nodded my head.

"Gather the coal we need. I want to leave as soon as possible." Zuko yelled

He walked away. I just stood there looking down at my mother's necklace.

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