The Headband

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We had to be careful to make sure no one saw Appa. So before we landed Katara waterbended a cloud around us.

"I think I see a cave below." Aang said

"Sh! Keep quiet." Sokka said

"Yeah, I mean how many clouds talk or descend to the ground." I said

Sokka just glared at me, and Toph just smiled. We land and the cloud disappears. Sokka jumps to the ground from Appa and reconnoiters, before crossing his arms and looking towards us.

"Great job with the cloud camo, but next time, let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud that knows how to keep its mouth shut." Sokka said

"That's what I said, and you glared at me." I said

"Yeah,, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in." Toph said

"Hey, we're in enemy territory. Those are enemy birds." Sokka said

Sokka points to four toucan puffins standing on a rock behind us. One of the toucan puffin jumps onto Sokka's head and screeches. We rest of us laugh, and walk towards the cave, with Sokka following behind us.

"Well, this is it. This is how we'll be living until the invasion begins. Hiding in cave after cave after cave after cave..." Sokka said

"Sokka, we don't need to become cave people. What we need is some new clothes." Katara said

"Yeah, blending in is better than hiding put. If we get Fire Nation disguises, we would be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave." Aang said

Toph is sitting down with her legs slightly folded.

"Plus, they have real food out there. Does anyone want to sit in the dirt and eat cave hoppers?" Toph asked

Toph punches the cave wall, causing cave hoppers to jump put, Momo grabs one ad eats it. He turns around and spits out a cave hopper limb.

"Look like we got outvoted, sport. Let's get some new clothes." Sokka said

We leave the cave and go look for a place to "buy" clothes. We find a Fire Nation home near a waterfall, next to the home, clothes hang out to dry on clotheslines over natural steam vents. We hide behind a rock wall.

"I don't know about this. These clothes belong to somebody." Aang whispered.

"I call the silk robe." Katara said

Katara jumps out from behind the rock wall and grabs two outfits.

"But if it's essential to our survival...that I call the suit." Aang said

Aang then jumps over the wall. Sokka, Toph, and I followed behind them. I grabbed a pair of pants, an undershirt, and a top that had bow in the back. Aang puts a headband on.

"Ta-dah! Normal kid." Aang said

"Hm... I should probably wear shoes. But then I won't be able to see as well. Sorry, shoes." Toph said

Toph pulls on the shoe, launching the sole at Sokka's face, leaving a red mark.

"Finally, a stylish shoe for the blind earthbender." Toph said

"How do I look?" Katara asked

Aang blushes and scratches his head.

"Uh... your mom's necklace." Aang said

"Oh, oh, yeah. I guess it's pretty obviously Water tribe, isn't it?" Katara asked

Katara takes off her necklace, and holds it in her hand. Once we are all changed into our new outfits we head into the city. Katara puts some money on a head-wear display. She put on a Fire Nation necklace. Toph puts on a weird crown thing, and Sokka wears a top-knot. I tie a ribbon in my hair. Aang pats down Momo's ears and hides him in his shirt.

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