The Waterbending Master

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Author's Note:

I will be skipping the episode entitled The Northern Air Temple. Mainly because I don't even watch the episode when I watch the series. Also because I don't see how my character would fit into the story line. Plus I wanted to get to the juice bits that happen when they are at the north pole.

We have been flying for two days, nonstop. We are flying over a ocean, heading north. I'm hanging over the saddle looking down at the water.

"I'm not one to complain, but can't Appa fly any higher?" Sokka asked

The words barely left his lips as Appa loses more altitude and his paws drag through the water momentarily, before rising again. I look behind me to see Katara popped up on her elbows, staring into nothingness in front of her, and a peeved Aang looking back from atop Appa's head.

"I have no idea! Why don't we all get on your back and you could fly us to the North Pole?!" Aang yells

"I'd love to. (points to his back) Climb on everyone, (shakes his ear) Sokka's ready for takeoff." Sokka said

A chirping Momo hops on his back, making Sokka shoot an angry glare at the animal. Katara, Aang and I are still looking at Sokka. Aang is still staring angrily at Sokka. Katara waves her hands up and down while shifting looks between Aang and Sokka.

"Look, we're all just a little tired and cranky because we've been flying for two days straight." Katara said

Momo is now on Sokka's lap.

"And for what? We can't even find the Northern Water Tribe. There's nothing up here." Sokka said

Katara lays back down in boredom, letting it rest on her hands. I hear a sound, then the water in front of Appa suddenly rises and solidifies to ice spikes. Aang screams in fright, his eyes wide in horror, as he violently yanks the reins to his right in an attempt to avoid the sudden obstacle. My siblings and I hold on to the saddle for dear life. Another ice spike manifests right in front of us, he didn't serve fast enough because I can see the ice attaches itself to his leg, freezing instantly. His momentum causes the ice to break, but he is thrown off balance and catapulted away. Appa lads in the water, throwing it up high. It instantly freezes, and he is locked in place. I look around to see Water Tribe boats appear, each carrying several waterbenders, they quickly surround us. Sokka reaches for his boomerang and Katara jumping up and down.

"They're waterbenders. We found the Water Tribe!" Katara said

I count and see that we are surrounded by six Water Tribe boats. Aang quickly tells them who he is. They unfreeze Appa and escort us to the city. We see the magnificent wall of the city.

"There it is!" Aang said

"The Northern Water Tribe." Katara said

"We're finally here." Sokka said

"Look what they can do with ice." I said in a low voice

A portion of the icy wall is lowered, allowing us to enter the city. Canal workers use waterbending to transport the group into the city.

"I can't believe how many waterbenders live up here." Katara said

"We'll find a master to teach us, no problem. Maybe one of them can even teach Kida new things to do with ice." Aang said

"Exactly I would like to know how to bend water not just the ice." I said

They both nodded. We pass through the channels of the city, catching the attention of several civilians who run over to look at us. Aang waves happily at the people. As we continue to trek inward. I see Sokka look at a girl who passes us in a boat. He blushes at the sight. I just look at her white hair which is like mine.

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