Chapter 53 Sozin's Comet Part 3: Into the Inferno

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This chapter and most of the next chapter will be written in the third person. I will write where the scene is taking places.

You can see where Sozin's Comet can be seen skimming the atmosphere. Katara and Kida look at Zuko.

"Zuko, don't worry. We can take Azula." Katara said

"It's not her I'm worried about. I'm worried about Aang. What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father? What if hasn't found another way. What if he loses?" Zuko asked

"Aang won't lose. He's gonna come back." Katara said

"And knowing Aang's luck he would have found another way to stop your father." Kida said

Fire Nation:

The Royal Palace where Azula is being groomed by her servants in preparation for her coronation. She takes a cherry from the bowl one of her servants is holding and pops it into her mouth, only to spit out a pit in disgust. She is now holding a cherry pit in her hand.

"What am I holding?" Azula asked

"A cherry pit, Princess." the servant said

"Correct. And what day is this?" Azula asked

"it is the day of your coronation." the servant said

"Yes, it is. So, please. Tell me why, on the most important day of my life, you've decided to leave a pit in my cherry?" Azula asked

She throws the pit at the servant, who winces slightly from the impact.

"It wasn't a decision; it was just a small mistake." the servant said

"Small? Do you realize what could've happened if I hadn't sensed the pit in time?" Azula asked

"I suppose you could've...choked?" the servant asked

"Yes, then you will understand the severity of your crime." Azula said

"I understand, Princess. Please, forgive me." the servant said

"Of very well, since it is a special day, I will show you mercy. You are banished. Leave this palace immediately." Azula said

The servant bows and quietly walks away.

"What are you all looking at? I have two feet that need scrubbing. And make sure you get in between the toes. I won't have my first day as Fire Lord marred by poor foot hygiene." Azula said

Earth Kingdom:

The eel hound is swimming through the water, Sokka, Toph, and Suki riding atop the beast.

"It's weird to say, but the comet actually looks beautiful." Suki said

"Too bad the Fire Lord's about to use it to destroy the world." Toph said

The eel hound arrives at the shore of the airship base. The trio climbs their way up a cliff side only to discover the fleet has just taken off.

"We're too late. The fleet's already taking off." Sokka said

"Then we're taking off, too. Where's the closest airship?" Toph asked

"It's right..." Sokka said

He points to the closest airship. He however is interrupted as Toph launches the three toward an airship, using earthbending. After a swift ascension, they fall onto a nearby ship and make their way across the giant vessel.

Fire Nation:

Azula is sitting impatiently on her throne as a band of Dai Li agents approaches.

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