Winter Solstice Part 2: Avatar Roku

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Zuko and I were standing on the deck of the ship. Zuko was looking through a telescope..

"Sailing into Fire Nation waters...Of all the foolish things you've done in your sixteen years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish." Iroh said

"I have no choice, Uncle." Zuko said

"Have you completely forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you? What if you're caught?" Iroh asked

"(Pulls away from the telescope to talk to his uncle.) I'm chasing the Avatar. My father will understand why I am returning home." Zuko said

"You give him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type. And what about Kida, what do you think your fathers going to do with her?" Iroh asked

Zuko doesn't say anything, he looks at me then back into the telescope.

"There they are. Helmsman! Full steam ahead." Zuko said

I turned and headed into the ship.

"A blockade." Zuko said

I stopped and turned and looked at there they were a line of ships.

"Technically you are still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now and they cannot arrest you." Iroh said

Zuko said nothing, he looked up at Appa, who was still flying straight towards the blockade.

"He's not turning around." Zuko said

"Please, Prince Zuko. If the Fire Nation, captures you, there is nothing I can do. Do not follow the Avatar. Think about Kida." Iroh said

I stand in the doorway, looking at Zuko. I knew he wasn't going to stop and turn around. He lowers his head and clenches his hands into fists.

"I'm sorry Uncle, I'm sorry. Kida." I heard Zuko say

He lifted his head, shot his hand forward commandingly.

"Run the blockade." Zuko said

I see one of the ships from the blockade shoot something up at Appa. One of the fireballs that were being launched hits the ship.

"Prince Zuko! The engines are damaged. We need to stop and make repairs." the engineer said

"Do not stop this ship." Zuko yells

"We're on a collision course." Iroh said

"We can make it." Zuko said

We weren't going to make it. I knew we weren't at the correct speed and not with a damaged engine. I closed my eyes, I moved my hand slightly, I froze the water around the blockade ships, so they current move in further. We pass the blockade ships. I see Zhao looking down at us, and Zuko looking up at them. I knew from where I was standing that he couldn't see me.

"What's he up to, Uncle? Why didn't Commander Zhao arrest me?" Zuko asked

"Because he wants to follow you. He knows you'll lead him to the prize you're both after the Avatar." Iroh said

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