The Earth King

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This is going to be short but I gave you guys a gift at the end of the story.

As we were walking towards the apartment I could see that something was wrong with Zuko. He was looking very pale. We enter the apartment.

"You did the right thing. Letting the Avatar's bison go free." Iroh said

"I don't feel right." Zuko said

Zuko then passes out to the floor.

"Zuko." Iroh and I yell

We both kneel down next him. I put a hand on his forehead, which was burning up.

"Iroh he is burning up." I said

Iroh nodded his head and quickly got up and went somewhere. I quickly moved Zuko to his room. A few moments later Iroh enters with a basin of water and a cloth. He wets the cloth and puts it on Zuko's forehead.

"What wrong with him?" I asked

"I have an idea but I'm not sure yet." Iroh said

I nodded my head and looked back down at Zuko.

An hour later...

Iroh and I stayed by Zuko. Zuko opens his eyes.

"Kida. Iroh." Zuko said

"You're burning up. You have an intense fever. This will help cool you down." Iroh said

He put a fresh cold cloth on Zuko forehead.

"So thirsty." Zuko said

Zuko goes to sit up, but I push him back down. Iroh grabs the bucket that was filled with water and a spoon.

"Here's some clean water to drink." Iroh said

I sat Zuko up a little.

"Stay under the blankets and sweat this out." Iroh said

Zuko takes the spoon from Iroh and drinks the water. He tosses the spoon aside and grabs the bucket. He drinks from it, while spilling some out. He tosses the bucket aside and lies back down. Iroh pulls the covers more over him.

"Stay with me Kida." Zuko said

"Of course." I said

Iroh goes to place another cold cloth on Zuko's forehead.

"Iroh you know I can just cool the cloth back down." I said

"I know but I gives me something to do." Iroh said

I nodded my head.

Inside Zuko's Head as a On Lookers Pov...

Zuko is Fire Lord, with no scar on his eye. One red and one blue dragon appear and start circling around the pillars on each side of him. The blue dragon starts circling around Zuko.

"It's getting late. Are you planning to retire soon, my lord?" the blue dragon asked (Azula's voice)

"I'm not tired." Zuko said

"Relax, Fire Lord Zuko. Just let go. Give in to it. Shut your eyes for a while." the dragon said

Zuko slowly starts to shut his eyes but widely opens them upon hearing the other dragon.

"No, Fire Lord Zuko! Do not listen to the blue dragon. You should get out of here right now. Go! Before it's too late!" the red dragon said (Iroh's voice)

"Sleep now, Fire Lord Zuko." the blue dragon said

The dragons disappear, and the room they're in, as well as the guards watching Zuko, crumble to nothing. The blue dragon reappears in front of him. Two golden eyes appear, followed by the face of the blue dragon, which closes rapidly.

"Sleep. Just like mother." the blue dragon said

The blue dragon charges at Zuko and opens its mouth. Inside the dragon's mouth, Zuko sees his mother, Ursa. Within that darkness, Ursa drops her hood.

"Zuko! Help me!" Ursa yells

Zuko disappears through the floor. The sleeping Zuko starts sweating.

Back in the Apartment, Kida's Pov:

Zuko started to sweat very bad. I took his hand in mine. A few minutes passed before Zuko opened his eyes. Zuko sat up, Iroh poured some tea into a cup.

"You should know that this is not a natural sickness, but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying tea. Also it should help." Iroh said

"Thank you, and what's happening?" Zuko asked

"Your critical decision. What you did beneath that lake. It was in such conflict with your image of yourself that you are now at war within your own mind and body." Iroh said

"What's that mean?" Zuko asked

He then started to cough, I help him lay back down.

"You are going through a metamorphosis, my nephew. It will not be a pleasant experience, but when you come out of it, you will be the beautiful prince you were always meant to be." Iroh said

"Go back to sleep Zuko. We will both be here when you wake up." I said

I took a cloth and wipe off some of the sweat from his face. Zuko closed his eyes and feel back to sleep.

Back inside Zuko's head...

Zuko was sitting in front of the turtle duck pond. He hears a noise and turns his head, to see Kida walking towards him. With a child at her side and a swollen stomach. A smile spreads across Zuko's face. The child run ups and throws their arms around Zuko in a hug, knocking him backwards.

"Daddy." the child said

"Daddy?" Zuko asked

"Of course, silly." the child said

Zuko smiles got even bigger. Kida walks over to them.

"Are you feeling okay?" Kida asked

"Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful." Zuko said

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