Chapter 1: Pizza Place

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*Camila's P.O.V*

"No Lauren!" I screamed at my best friend of almost 13 years as she tried to take a few steps closer to me.  "I'm done!  I'm done with you treating me like shit, like we haven't been best friends for years!"

Lauren frowned, "Camz, please-" she begged but I cut her off.

"Don't you dare call me that." I hissed, throwing her hat that was placed on my head back at her.

Taking a step back Lauren honestly looked terrified, I've never yelled at her like this before so I almost don't blame her.  "Please just hear me out."

I shook my head vigorously, "I can't do this anymore Lauren." I spoke a little softer, trying not to let my guard down.  My eyes began to burn with tears.  I spun on my heals and stalked off, trying not to show any sign of weakness.  Lauren can't know I'm so dependent on her, she has to know I'm serious.

"Karla Camila Cabello!  Let's talk about this!" I heard my best friend scream from behind me.

Tears began to roll down my cheeks, with that, I took off running down the street.

*Flashback Camila's P.O.V (a few hours before the argument)*

I sat at our traditional table at the pizza place waiting for Lauren.  We haven't gotten to spend a lot of time together alone lately because of Lauren's new boyfriend, Luis.  Don't get me wrong, Luis is a really nice guy but I miss having best friend time.  Plus, it kills me seeing Lauren so happy with someone else that's not me.  But she can't know how I feel, it would ruin the little bit of friendship we have left.

The bell around the by the door rang, indicating it was open.  I looked up to see my beautiful best friend bouncing in.  She's stunning.  Her long dark hair hung in loose curls down to her waist, her green/gold eyes pierced through the air while scanning the restaurant for me.  She wore tight, acid wash, black jeans that made her curves stand out, sending chills down my spine.  A black, thick strapped tank top showed off her porcelain toned arms.  She wore a blue and white snapback backwards over the roots of her curly locks.  Under her left arm was her long board that, although she can drive, she rides every where.

I had to stop checking her out when her mesmerizing eyes locked on mine.  She flashed a perfect, almost blinding, smile at me and made her way over to me.

"You look like such a stereotypical lesbian." I mumbled to myself as she came closer.  "If only." I breathed, taking in her elegance.

"What was that?" she asked sliding into the booth.

My heart nearly stopped, "Nothing." I forced a laugh.

"Well how are you, my gorgeous best friend?" Lauren changed the conversation.

"Great," I answered truthfully.  "I'm glad we get to spend some time together."

Lauren smiled sadly, she reached out and took both of my hands in hers. "I know, Camzi. I'm sorry.  We'll try to get together more.  You know I love you." she took off her hat and placed it ever so carefully on my head.

I sighed, "I know, Lo.  I love you too.  I just haven't seen you a lot lately.  You've been spending so much time with Luis, we just haven't had alone time."

Lauren's face completely fell, "Actually, Camil-" she was cut off my the door ringing and a scruffy looking boy jogging in.

"Lauren!" He called running up to the table.

"I'm so sorry, Camz." Lauren whispered.

"Hey baby." Luis smiled at Lauren while siting down next to her, kissing her lips softly.

A surge of jealousy ran through me.  My ears burned and my entire body grew stiff.

Lauren cuddled into his side, smiling from ear to ear.  She looked at him like he is her entire world.  I can't help but think that that's how I probably look at Lauren, longing that she looks at me in that way.

I snapped out of my trance when Lauren's eyes flickered towards me.  She furrowed her busy eyebrows and just shrugged slightly.  "I'll make it up to you, I promise." She mouthed.

I fiddled with Lauren's hat, sitting on my head.  I just nodded, watching the interactions between Lauren and Luis.

Luis nibbled on Lauren's ear, causing her to produce a sound that was a weird giggle, moan combo.  "How about we get out of here?" Luis said in a seductive whisper, that I guess he only thought Lauren would here.

I crinkled my nose in disgusted as Lauren looked to me for reassurance.  Lauren subconsciously nodded, her eyes never leaving mine.

They abruptly stand up from the table, Luis dragging her out of the pizza place.  "I'm sorry Camz, I love you!" Lauren screamed as she ran out the door.

I sighed, setting my head on the table.  Thoughts of Lauren ran through my head.  My head was spinning, how much I wish I could be Luis.  I wish I could tell Lauren I love her, I wish I could hold her, I wish I could kiss those perfect lips and nibble on her perfect collar bones. God, I wish I could be hers.

I shook my head and left the restaurant.  Needing some fresh air, I decided to go for a walk.  Hopefully all my thoughts of Lauren would disappear.

That was short lived however when about a little more than an hour after I started my walk, Lauren texted me asking me to meet her at the park by our houses, saying it was urgent.  I quickly agreed and made my way to the park.

When I got there, Lauren was sitting in the grass.  I sat down next to her and she collapsed into my arms.  "Hi Camzi." she whispered, beginning to trace patterns on my bare forearm.

"Hey Lo." I murmured in the same tone.

"So, about earlier..." Lauren started, but I shook my head.

"I don't really want to hear about it Lauren." I said matter-of-factly.

"I have to tell you something though, you're my best friend.  I have to tell you. It's important." Lauren whined.

I took a deep breath and looked at Lauren waiting for her to continue.

"Luis and I.." she seemed like she was looking for the right words.  "Did it."

I shot to my feet, staring down at Lauren who now had a grin on her face.

"You mean, you ditched me and our best friend time to go have sex with you boyfriend?!" I began to fill with rage.

Lauren stood up next to me.  "Camila, will you please listen to me!  I lost my virginity.  TO LUIS!" she emphasized.

"That's honestly beside the point right now, Lo." I felt like my blood was at boiling point.  Jealousy and anger built up inside of me, suddenly needing to be released.

*End flashback.  Current Camila P.O.V*

I ran into my house and up two flights of stairs into my attic converted bedroom.  I pounced onto my bed, pulling my knees to my chest, letting out large sobs that racked my body.

Why do I have to like her?  Why can't I just be normal?  I want to be happy for Lauren, I want to be the perfect best friend for her, but I just can't.

Eventually, for the 5th time this week, I cried myself to sleep.


Hello Beautifuls!  Thank you for starting to read this!  This is the first chapter.  Chapters will get longer as I develop the story so hang in there. I love you guys! <3

Let me know what you think of this!

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