Chapter 10: Shades Of Cool

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*Lauren's P.O.V*

I woke up in Taylor's room in an empty bed.  I rolled over, blinking the sleep out of my eyes so I could focus on the alarm clock.  11:13am. I groaned and sat up, the sun light falling through the curtains blinding me momentarily.

I padded down the stairs and looked around the lower level of my beautiful Miami home.  The air was still, not a single noise or movement around except for the coffee slowly dripping into the pot.  "Hello?" My husky voice boomed off empty walls.  "Well that's odd." I whispered quietly to myself.

Wandering over to the coffee pot, I noticed a small, yellow slip sitting upder my favorite mug which was positioned next to the coffee maker.  I noticed my mother's loose cursive writing covering the page:


We hated to leave you alone this morning but we had some really important things to take care of and you seemed to be sleeping soundly, Taylor thought it'd be best not to wake you.  She mentioned you two stayed up late last night.  Your Father is running errands and should be back around 3.  He took your instruments to the store to get repaired.  You should get them back in maybe a week.  I'm going to the office and should be back by dinner.  Chris is at football and Tay is at soccer practice, they both should be home at 1 or 2.  We're having a family meeting when we all get home.  Please know we love you Lauren.

Love, Mom"

I laugh to myself.  Jeez.  A family meeting, that can't go well.

I pour some coffee into the mug, the heat of the steam and the smell of the beans burn my nostrils.  Not even caring about sugar or creamer I gulped down a few sips of the hot liquid, the bitter taste coating my throat.

I sighed and went to go sit on the couch.  Pulling out my phone I notice I have 4 unread messages and 2 missed calls.  The calls were from Camila, I don't want to talk to her right now.  I don't know how to comprehend my emotions and I don't want to pull her into it.  Checking my texts I internally groaned when I notice three of my four text messages were from Camila.  I opened all of them even though I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone who texted me.  The first one read:

From: Boyfriend<3 : Lo, I know it's hard but I still want to be friends.

I made a mental note to change his name in my phone.  I scowled at him message.  There's no way I want to be friends with him.  He just broke up with me and in the process told me that I'm not capable of a relationship just good in bed, despite the fact he cheated on me.

I shook my head and continued reading.

From: Camzi :)  : Hey, can we talk about what just happened?

From: Camzi :)  : Lolo, please.  We can't leave the fact that this just happened alone.

From: Camzi :)  :  /:  I hope you know that no matter what I love you.

My heart fluttered slightly and my stomach turned to knots as I read the last words of Camila's final text.  I don't know why all of a sudden it made me feel the way it did but it made me happy but nervous, on edge almost.  I suddenly felt hyper aware of all my actions.  Maybe there was a reason behind me going to Camila whenever I acted on impulse.  All I know is that if there is a legitimate reason I'm so drawn to her, I don't want to come to terms with it or even begin to try to comprehend what my thoughts are telling me.

*Camila's P.O.V*

Lauren didn't text me back last night.  I really just want to talk to her about it all.  I want to tell her that if she does have feelings for girls she shouldn't hide it.  I want to tell her that she should not be afraid to be who she is.  I want to tell her I like girls.  I want to tell her I have been in love with her for so long.  I want to tell her I've been here since the beginning and she doesn't have to hide anymore.  There are so many things I want to tell her but I don't think I could find the words.

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