Chapter 6: Cheater Cheater Best Friend Eater

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*Lauren's P.O.V*

I ran out of the restaurant. not wanting to hear what either of them had to say. I looked for the quickest escape route only to remember Luis had driven us here and I have no way to get home without him.

I took a deep breath and called the one person I knew would drive an hour and a half to come help me, even though she was the one person I wanted to see the least; Camila.

*Camila's P.O.V*

I lay on my bed staring at a picture of Lauren and I. I thought dating Baylor would help my feelings for my straight best friend would go away, but they didn't. If anything all the double dates and stuff have made me like her even more. I sighed as my phone ringing broke me from my thoughts.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey baby!" Baylor's voice bounced.

I grinned. I may be in love with Lauren but I still really like Baylor. "Hi! How are you?" I responded cheerfully.

I heard Baylor giggle, "Good! I'm out with some friends and I missed you so I just wanted to call and tell you I love you."

The dorky smile on my face grew, "I love yo-" I got cut off by another call beeping in, it was Lauren. "Babe, I'm going to have to call you later, Lauren's calling, go have fun with your friends." I scowled.

Baylor whimpered, "But Mila! Don't-"

"Goodbye, Baylor. I love you." I cut her off and switched the line over to Lauren.

"Yes?" I asked sounding more annoyed than I meant to.

Lauren sniffed, "I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?" she asked thoughtfully.

I shrugged even though she couldn't see me, "Well I was on the phone with Baylor.." I trailed off.

Lauren was silent for a moment. I heard nothing from her end except the sound of her sniffling. It was at that moment that I realized she was crying.

"Lo," I urged.

No response.


Still nothing.

I breathed out rather dramatically into the microphone of my cell, "Laur, are you crying?"

There were only whimpers on the other end.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked soothingly.

I heard Lauren break into hysterical sobs. "Can you come get me?"

Running my fingers through my hair, I thought about the good and the bad in the situation. Good: Spend time with Lauren and be a good friend. Bad: My feelings could grow because of our sudden alone time. I looked at the clock, it was almost 9pm. I guess I'll be a good friend, she must be in a bad spot if she needs me to get her at this time of night.

I broke, "Where are you?"

"Remember that Italian place we went to on Fifth Avenue?" Lauren continued crying. "At a park about 2 blocks from there."

"I'll be there around 10:30. I think it take an hour and a half to get there. Don't move. Try to stay safe, I'll be there as soon as I can." I rushed and hung up the phone.

Why the hell is Lauren alone in a sketchy park this late at night?

I grabbed my keys and ran out of the house.

*Lauren's P.O.V*

I sat on a bench and waited for Camila. She sounded very hesitant in coming out here, I really hope I haven't fucked up our friendship too much. I need her.

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