Chapter 4: Introducing Baylor

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*Camila's P.O.V*

It's been a few weeks since my first date with Baylor.  It wasn't long after that she asked me to be her girlfriend.  We've been keeping it quiet at school but at home everyone is so supportive, my parents adore her.  Baylor comes over to my house at least twice a week for dinner with my family.  Slowly things seem to be getting on track, I feel happy.

Today's the day that Baylor and I decided we were going to actually act like a couple at school.  I still haven't told any of my friends except Dinah.  I promised Baylor I'd tell my friends during lunch and I'd walk her to class after proudly holding her hand.

I sighed heavily as I sat down at the lunch table.  I spied Baylor across the cafeteria and she gave me a reassuring smile as she sat down to tell her own friends about what was going on.  Looking at all my friends I realize Lauren isn't at the table.

"Guys," I said, getting their attention so they would all look at me.  "Where's Lauren?"

"Oh, so now you want to talk to her?" Normani, the girl who was closest to Lauren, scoffed.

"Mani!" Ally scolded.  "Come on, you know when she's having a bad day she goes to the orchestra room during lunch, just like you go to the piano hall."

I nodded, "Okay, well when I'm done telling you guys something, I have to go talk to her.

They smiled at me, urging me to go on.

I took a deep breath, "So, I'm just going to come out at say it." I looked at each of them individually.  "I like girls."

My friends didn't looked shocked.  They all exchanged a few glances and just burst into hysterical fits of laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" I said worried.  "Didn't you hear what I just said?"

The girls nodded.  "We know you do, Mila." Ally finally said through a fit of giggles.

"Wait, you do?" I asked completely confused, "But how?"

Dinah raised her hand sheepishly, "I may have mentioned how excited I was about Baylor so I had to divulge the information."

My cheeks began to heat up at the sound of her name.

"Awww!  Mila's blushing!" Dinah squealed.

"I could kill you right now," I glared at her, then directed my attention towards Normani and Ally.  "So you guys are okay with it?"

Ally smiled sweetly, "I love you no matter what, Mila.  No matter who you like, I support you.  I want to get to know Baylor more too!  Let's all do something!"

I was overjoyed by her answer, "Mani?" I asked, peering over at her.

She reluctantly nodded.  "Camila, I'll always love you, no matter who you like.  I'm just upset about this whole thing with Lauren, you know that.  It's not the same with our whole group not together."

"I know.  I'm going to go talk to her before lunch is over, I just wanted to let you guys know first.  Buuuut, looks like someone already beat me to that!" I sent dagger eyes and Dinah jokingly.  "You didn't tell Lauren did you?  She's the one person I really want to tell myself."

Dinah shook her head, "She's your best friend.  I knew you wanted to tell her, go,  I'll tell Baylor where you are after lunch."

"Thank you!" I said happily as I rushed off to the music wing.

- - - - - - 

I made my way quietly into the orchestra room, sitting myself in the back of the room watching Lauren intently as she gracefully ran her the bow across her violin strings.  Watching her play has always mesmerized me.  Lauren plays man instruments but there is something about the way she plays the violin that just gets to me.  Many people don't know that Lauren has been classically trained in violin since the age of 5 but it's one of the things I admire most about her.

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