Chapter 8: Breaking Up

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*Camila's P.O.V*

A few days have gone by since that little incident with Lauren.  We didn't speak of it afterwards.  Actually, we didn't speak at all.  She avoided me in the hall we both spent the lunch period in music practice rooms but she was in the strings area and I was in the piano room so we never saw each other.  After that day when I wouldn't answer her call she hasn't tried to contact me.

Maybe she's mad at me?  Or maybe she's giving me time to think about everything and handle things myself.  Either way, I miss her.  I still love her more than I thought was physically possible.

I broke up with Baylor the day after I kicked her out.  She understood and apologized profusely but I told her I just couldn't be with someone who would cheat on me.  My trust in her was shattered and I had to let her go.

*Lauren's P.O.V*

I haven't spoken to Camila since I ran out of her house that afternoon.  Once she wouldn't answer her phone I decided to just give her space.  I know she broke up with Baylor, I don't blame her.

My thoughts right now are so jumbled up in my head I can not comprehend all that is going on.  I still don't understand why I kissed her.  It's not like I like her.  I still think it's because my emotions took over and she was so close and she just makes me feel safe.

My train of thought was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned at the sound of Luis' ring tone.  I rolled over on my bed and grabbed m phone off the bedside table.

"Hey Luis." I answered dryly.

"Hey Lauren, can you come over?  I think we should talk." Luis responded getting right to the point.

I contemplated it but I figured we had to face our issues at some point.  "Fine, I'll be there in like 10."

I hung up without hearing anymore of what her had to say.

Grabbing my keys, I made my way to my car.  I climbed into the beat up Volkswagen and the engine roared to life.

Music blared and my mind wandered until I found myself in Luis' driveway.

I let myself in like I've done so many times before, making my way to Luis' game room where I knew he would be.

Sure enough, there he was sitting in his gaming chair shooting at things on the television.  I knocked on the wall and he jumped, causing someone to kill him and his game to be over.

"Well thanks." He mumbled sarcastically.

"Don't mention it." I laughed.

Luis got up and looked me up and down.  I could tell he was thinking.

Suddenly he pushed me up against the wall roughly and laid a deep, hard kiss on my mouth.  I kissed back out of reflex.  When he relinquished he whispered something to himself and started pacing running his fingers through his hair.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing." Luis said simply.  "I feel nothing."

Then it hit me, neither did I.  All of a sudden kissing Luis, which use to make me feel all sorts of fire inside, was now a little lack luster to say the least.

"Lauren, I think you should sit down." Luis said, frowning at me but continuing to pace.

I hoped up and sat on the pool table.  Memories flooding back to me about the time that he were playing pool and it escalated to way more than just a friendly game of it.  I remembered hurting my back because I ended up laying on a ball on accident when Luis had hoisted me onto the table.

My mind snapped back to reality when Luis came forward and lifted my chin forcing me to look him in the eye.

"Lauren, I think we should break up."

I didn't respond, wait.. he was breaking up with me?  Not the other way around?

"Lauren, I'm breaking up with you."

I didn't say anything again.

"It's nothing bad towards you, you're a great girl, it's just... the thing with Baylor and honestly I simply don't feel anything with you anymore.  Being with you was great," he laughed an bit his lip, then rolled his eyes.  "Oh it was GREAT." He put an emphasis on the last word, why?  To remind me that I'm good in bed but not fit for a relationship?  "But I just don't see us together.  I'm sorry Lauren."

Luis continued to ramble about how we aren't going to work but it felt like my brain shut off.  His voice was nothing but a soft murmur, the strength of it disappearing into the air.  Suddenly it felt like I was the only one on the planet.  I was numb.  Nothing around me was tangible.  My sight was fuzzy and I felt faint.

Before I knew it Luis was guiding me to the door, I guess he had said all he wanted to.

I nimbly climbed into my car and drove away, not even sure if I was going in the right direction.  I felt my eyes start to burn, I couldn't focus on the road anymore.

Pulling over, I began to slam my fists into the dash board.  My fist collided with the steering wheel and the horn went off.  Tears fell down my face and my hands started to throb.  I just began crying harder.

I don't think I was crying because Luis just broke up with me.  I don't know why I was crying to be honest, it just all needed to come out.  My knuckles began to bleed.  I sat there staring at them for a moment, then peeled away from the curb almost hitting two cars as I murged back onto the road.  My tires squealed, I smelled burning rubber.  I could see smoke appear in my wake.

I found myself in Camila's driveway, jogging up to her front door.  I tripped on her sidewalk, ripped the knees in my jeans, and scraped my leg.   I began pounding on her door, screaming her name.  The door flew open and Camila greeted me with wide eyes.  She took in the blood on my knuckles and scanned the rest of my body, her eyes hesitating every time the reached a tore up or bloody part.

Camila's voice was riddled with horror, "Lauren?!"

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