Chapter 12: My Sweet Mind

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*Camila's P.O.V*

The school bell Wednesday morning rings through my ears leaving an unpleasant pounding in my head.  Spring break is now over and I have to face the harsh reality of being a senior in high school.  Seeing as we go to school together, I'll come in contact with Lauren at some point today.  I sent her another text this last weekend but again no response.  I understand she doesn't want to confront her feelings but did she take into judgment at all about how I feel?  Probably not, that's the thing she only cares about herself.

Okay, I'm lying.  When Lauren's in the right mind she is probably the most selfless, caring person you will ever meet in your entire life.  That's one of the reasons I'm in love with her.  Lauren is kind, caring, wonderful, sweet, genuine, and not to mention really attractive.  I can also now add 'a good kisser' to that list of lovable qualities.

"Hey Mila." Ally broke me from my thoughts, sitting next to me in our first hour class.

"Hi Ally." is all I managed to mumble out before our math teacher came into the room.

She looked at the class over her thick rimmed glasses.  "Alright class, we have a lot to catch up on. Please open your text books to page 367 and start the questions.  I'll be around if you have any questions."  The teacher sat down at her desk and opened the planner in front of her, scribbling something inside it.

I groaned softly, "You think we'd have one day off." I whispered to Ally.

Ally shrugged, "Oh well, it's not like she's known for being nice to her students."

I giggled at Ally as she made a mocking face.

"Ms. Cabello, Ms. Hernandez!  Is there something you would like to share with us?"

Ally and I shook our heads, saying "No ma'am." simultaneously before bursting into fits of laughter again.

"Get to work." She spoke sternly.

We buried our nose is our books, trying again to suppress laughter.

First hour finished before I knew it and second flew by.  It was time for third period, which on a normal day I would be happy to reach because it is one of my two classes with Lauren.  I walked into the orchestra room, scanning the room.  I finally spotted her ripped jeans and tight v-neck tee shirt sitting in a corner by the violin lockers.  I knew she tried really hard in this class to act like she doesn't care about the violin, but today she looked extra sluggish.  She hates letting people know how well she actually can play so she slacks off and gets on the teacher's nerves.  It pissed him off more than anything because her knew how good Lauren was and knew she wasn't trying.

The warning bell rang and I quickly grabbed my flute, bolting to my seat after realizing that I had wasted at least 3 minutes on staring at Lauren.  I watched her slowly make her way to her seat as first chair violin.  She pulled her long, wavy hair into a sleek pony tail and sat back in her chair, crossing her arms.

Our short, squat conductor came waddling into the room and stood on his platform, looking over the orchestra.  He studied us for a moment and raised his baton to move us into attention.  He held us there while he scanned through the sea of teens and instruments again.

"Violin, first chair." His voice boomed, breaking the silence.  Lauren didn't flinch, she just sat there studying her nails.  "Miss. Jauregui!" He sounded more irritated than the first time.

"What?" Lauren snapped, sitting up and looking at him.

Mr. Johnson squinted his eyes in her direction, "Where is you violin, Lauren?"

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