Chapter 7: Remembering Sunday

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*Camila's P.O.V*

The thing about Lauren is she doesn't talk about her feelings but she acts on impulse 9 times out of 10.  Like tonight with the kiss.  She clearly acted on impulse but did she talk about it after it happened?  No.

I've been laying here wide away for what seemed like ages now.  The sound of Lauren's steady breathing filled my ears causing me to feel a certain kind of bliss I couldn't put a finger on.  I felt so full but so empty.  The kiss leaving me so in awe, the aftermath draining me of all happiness I've ever felt.

I simply give up when it comes to Lauren Michelle Jauregui.

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*Lauren's P.O.V*

I woke up in Camila's bed, alone.  Suddenly the images of last night flood my brain; starting with the events with Luis and Baylor ending in my kiss with Camila.  I sighed heavily as I turned over realizing that the spot next to me was vacant and cold.

Picking up my phone, I have 13 missed calls from Luis and 32 texts from him.  After noticing that it was already almost 1 in the afternoon, I decided to ignore Luis and go see what Camila was up to.  My plan is to just stay cool and act like the kiss never happened.

I ran down the creaky steps into Camila's living room, suddenly greeted by the sight of Baylor and Camila making out on the couch.  After a moment of them not noticing me I finally cleared my throat catching both of their attention.

"Well hello sleepy head." Camila said sing-songy, looking at me but stroking Baylor's abdomen lovingly.

"Morning," I muttered.

Baylor turned her attention towards me and the look of irritation from being interrupted turned from anger to completely and utter horror.  "Hi Lauren." She choked out.

I frowned at her, "Don't 'Hi Lauren' me."

Camila's eyes widened, "Lauren!  What the hell?"

I took a step closer to Baylor, "I should tell her." I spoke temptingly.

"Don't." Baylor snarled.

"Oh, but I might," I started before Camila cut me off.

"Tell me what?" she snapped.

Baylor eyed me curiously and I shrugged.

"Baylor's cheating on you!" I about yelled as Baylor blurted out, "Look Camila I can explain."

Camila's jaw dropped looking at the two of us.  Her bottom lip quivered and I felt the sudden urge to kiss it again but I didn't act on it this time.  Tears brimmed her already liquidy brown eyes.

She spun to face Baylor, "Is this true?"

Baylor bit her lip nervously, "I can explain-"

"Is. It. True?" Camila asked sternly, cutting her off.

Baylor just reluctantly nodded.

Camila suddenly spun on her heels to me, tears burning her eyes.  "And you knew and didn't tell me?  How could you?"

I felt like crying as well, "How do you tell your best friend their gay girlfriend is cheating on her with you boyfriend?" I choked on the words.

Camila's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their head.  "It was with Luis?!  This is just priceless." She laughed sarcasticly.  "And to think I came and picked you up and tried to be a good friend.  Lauren I HELPED you and you didn't tell me!" Her voice sounded genuinely hurt.

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