Chapter 15: The Morning After

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*Camila's P.O.V*

The glow of the morning sun pierced through my eyelids, making me force them even more closed than they already were.  The smell of amber and vanilla burned my nostrils, heightening my senses.  I'd know that smell anywhere.


My eyes flickered open and focused on the beautiful girl laying next to me.  Carefully I picked up my hand and traced my fingertips across her collarbones and the love bite marks that I had created the night before.  The blue sheet of my bed fell across her abdomen leaving her upper body bare for me to admire.

After a few moments she began to stir.  I quickly flipped over so I was no longer facing her, not being able to live with seeing the face she'll make when she realizes we slept together.  Our legs stayed intertwined because her hold on me was too tight to let go without shaking her awake.

*Lauren's P.O.V*

A raging headache pounded through my skull.  I groaned in pain and tried to shift but my legs were uncomfortably tangled with someone else.  I shivered as I noticed the cool air of the room come in contact with my naked body.

"Did I drunkenly hook up with Luis again?" I thought to myself.

I ran my foot up the pair of legs, they were way to soft to be Luis'.  I managed to untangle myself from them and flip on my side, facing the owner.  I blinked furiously as the sun burned my eyes and made my head hurt even worse.

Rubbing the sleep off my eyelids, I tried to keep a tight focus on the person in front of me.  Long matted hair pooled down the person's back, their curves woman like.  I blinked around the room trying to see if I recognized where I was.  In my fuzzy state I didn't recall anything of meaning to me until my gaze locked on one particular picture on the far wall, opposite of the bed.

The picture was of two small dark haired girls embracing each other, their faces covered in animal print face paint.  Elephants were in the backdrop indicating that the little girls were at the zoo.  Squinting at the image it hit me.  That was Camila and I at the Tampa Bay Zoo when we were 7.

As I flipped back over to face my partner in bed, I silently prayed that it wasn't Camila.  I begged all the fate in the universe that for some reason I didn't end of here, forcing myself on her in my drunken state.  I squeezed my eyes shut trying so hard to remember the memories of the night before but I couldn't remember a single one.  I had no idea what happened last night.

I rubbed the girls bare shoulder, "Camila?" I choked out quietly.

*Camila's P.O.V*

My skin burned under Lauren's delicate touch on my shoulder.  "Camila?"  She sounded choked up.

I nodded silently, not being able to face her in fear of what I would see.  I bit my lip and blinked back tears.

Lauren sighed and fell back onto the bed.  She ran her fingers through her hair and was silent.  I laid there, unmoving, holding the sheet tightly to my body right above my chest.  I felt Lauren scoot closer to me and brush my hair away from my neck.  She left a soft kiss on my skin, letting her lips linger.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered, goosebumps raising on my skin.

I felt the weight on the bed next to me dissipate and heard her shuffling around.  Eventually I heard my door open.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lauren standing in the door way in a pair of sweats and a large shirt that both belong to me.  She hovered there for a moment, eyeing me, not knowing that I could see her doing so.  She brought her bottom lip in between her teeth and bit down hard,  Fear, confusion, and sadness riddled her face.  With an audible sigh she left my room, closing the door behind her.

I stood, wrapping my duvet around my body.  As I watched Lauren climb into her car from my window I silently begged her to return inside and tell me that she remembered everything, to tell me that she meant it when she loved me.   I just wanted her to return and to feel her warm caresses again.

I watched in horror as she burst into tears while she pulled away.  I felt tears in my eyes as well.  I can't believe I let this happen.  I took advantage of her drunken state to feel the love from her that I have always wanted to feel.

Looking for clothes to put on, I stumbled across Lauren's dark 'Nirvana' tee shirt.  I slipped it on and her scent fell over me.  I let the tears fall as I took in deep breaths, wishing to feel Lauren again.  At that moment I realized I probably will forever be in love with Lauren.

Although last night I felt the love I have always yearned for to feel, the morning after brought nothing but the most empty feeling I have even endured.


Don't hate me!  We got to build up to get to Camren!  It will be here before you know it!

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