Chapter 14: Body Electric

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**Contains explicit content.**

*Lauren's P.O.V*

Perks of small town bars is they almost never ID you unless you make a scene.  I smiled to myself as the burning sensation hit the back of my throat.  Slamming the 4th shot glass on the bar, I squinted to take in my surroundings through my already blurred vision.  Loud music played and people screamed to talk over it.  Many old, sweaty man sat on bar stools holding a beer in their hand gave me an up down and smirked to themselves, undressing me with their eyes.

The bartender approached me from the other side of the bar, "Hey Pretty Lady, what are you drinking tonight?" He winked.

"Surprise me." I slurred out.

He came back with a martini glass with a pink liquid in it.  "My treat." He winked again.

"Thanks." I half smiled as I downed the alcoholic beverage.

I stumbled to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, examining myself.  I almost look foreign in my mind altered state.  My hair as knotty and messy but in a hot, sex hair kind of way.  My eyes shone more gold than green as they often did when I wasn't truly happy.  My mascara was still caked on my lashed making my face look more porcelain and doll like than normal.

Leading myself back to the bar, I decided two more shots of whatever I was given would do.  I could no longer stand the smell of smoke and grungy people that was thick through the air.

Tripping over my own feet I clamored into my car, the affect of the alcohol hitting me like a ton of bricks.  I swerved all over the road, getting distracted by every blinking light and noise the cars around me made.  I don't even know if I'm going towards home.

Where am I?  None of this looks familiar.  I scratched my head, through my mess of hair.

Suddenly I developed a one track mind.  Camila.  My thoughts ran rampant, thinking of every part of her.  Why does this always happen?  God she's so beautiful.  I can't focus.  I felt my truck lurch forward as I pushed the petal to the floor.

Although I slid from lane to lane, I never lost control.  I found myself running up the Cabello's pathway before I even knew what was going on.  How'd I even get here?

I pounded on the door, "Camila!" I slurred loudly.  "Open up!" I tripped over my own foot and almost fell as she swung the door open with a wild force.

"Lauren!   It's 3am!  What are you doing here?!" She hissed.

I giggled, "I wanted to see you."

*Camila's P.O.V*

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, refocusing on Lauren who was giggling in my doorway.  Luckily my parent's and Sofi were at my Grandparent's house for the night so I wouldn't get questioned about the late night/early morning visitor.

"I wanted to see you." She repeated.  This time her giggling stopped and her voice husked low.

"Lauren," I started but she took a step closer and I saw her trip over herself.  "Lauren, you're drunk."

Lauren shook her head, "No, Camzi. I just wanted to see you." her voice stung my heart.

It was my turn to shake my head, "I can't believe you drove over here like this, come inside."

I was angry, especially because we haven't talked in so long but then again I couldn't just leave her on my door step.

I closed the door behind us and I watched her stumble, trying really hard to get up the stairs.  I followed her into my room.  She kicked off her shoes and laid down on my bed.  Despite her being so drunk her mind at least where to generally take her.

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