🎵selena gomez - bad liar🎵
Mason is kissing my neck slowly right after he put me on the bed. I moan, I swear it feels so good. A little bit tingly but just enough to turn me on 😏. I want more, i grab his hair and lift his head slowly.
"what?" Mason bilang.
"I love you." Dengan senyuman penuh godaan sa kasi sama Mason masa sa cakap begitu sama dia.
"I know, I do too babe." Mason senyum terus dia kiss lips sa so passionately, oh god I cannot resist this man. In a second saja,sa naked suda baju semua tarabang si Mason kasi. He sneaks into the blanket and start pampering my wet crown. After he finish my juice, he start aiming that ultimate gun.
"ahh..ahhh..ahhhhhh.." Wait, what was that?! I haven't, no! Its not me moaning! Mason haven't put it in....
Sa terbangun. Shit! That bitch next door is moaning like a dog again. Its been a week now, tidak pandai puas ka? Terus serta merta sa rasa menyesal sewa ni apartment oh. 4.00am, seriously? Sa ambil bantal terus sa tutup muka sa.
6.30am kriiiinnngggggg!!!!
Hmm..another typical day yg sa go through every week without fail. Tengah siok-siok breakfast, tiba-tiba sa t'ingat mimpi sa semalam. Kenapa lagi sa mimpi pasal Mason ni? Its been two years, I've never heard about him anymore since dia masuk army or special force, eh whatever lah. He just hilang begitu saja, tidak pernah suda call, tidak pernah suda message. So, I guess I'm single.
"May, morning. Can you replace me for the inspection later?" Mr John bilang sambil bawa handphone dia keluar dari office dia.
"Morning boss. Sure,tapi boss mau pigi mana?In case tu client tanya." sa bilang sambil sa letak beg sa di atas desk.
"My wife had a small accident masa dia hantar the kids to school. I've to check on her first."
"I see. Okay boss."
Beginilah jadi PA, bila-bila masa saja harus ini itu but I love my job because I got paid a lot. 😜
May Flory Gibson
Lunch time, sa ngam-ngam siap tu minute masa inspection tadi but there's a lot of designing to do 😫 I forgot to mention yg I'm also a marketing executive.
"May, mari lunch. Sa lapar suda ni." Carrie membawa suda makan,my BFF since college. Sa ambil purse sa terus kami turun sebelum kena tahan boss.
"what happen to you? You look terribly ugly." thats how Carrie is, no filter tu mulut dia.
"Ms next door is having a good sex again last night. Dia mau bagitau 1 dunia yg dia b'ike-ike time subuh2." panas sa bila sa ingat tu jiran sebelah yg bantaton.
"Odoi,pindahlah ba sama-sama sa. I'm living alone in that huge house ok." masuk kali ni,5x sda si Carrie pujuk sa tinggal sama-sama dia.
"Tengoklah Care. Malas sa kacau daun ko sama Mijah ba."
"Eee,bukan hari-hari juga dia di rumah tu. 1 bulan teda di rumah offshore kan."
"Tengoklah,nanti sa fikir-fikir dulu ah."
"itu ja jawapan ko selalu,malas sa."
Terus sa diam. Sa malas ba mau tinggal sama orang lain tiada privacy biarpun bff sendiri. Kalau si Mijah pulang takkan sana juga sa tu rumah tu pun diorang beli for their wedding ba. Kalau kamu tempat sa pun kamu akan fikir macam sa juga kan? 😋
Flashbacks 3 years ago..
"May! Sa dapat suda!!" Mason berlari masuk dalam rumah terus dia dukung sa.
"apa tu?" sa bilang sambil ikut si Mason ketawa.
"tadaaaa! Sa mau masuk army suda. I got it." Mason kasi tengok surat dia.
"wahhh..congrats darling."
"Hoi May!!" Carrie kasi guyang tangan sa. T'khayal pula sa sekejap.
"Marilah masuk office." Carrie bilang sambil dia panggil tu orang datang kira tu makanan.
Selesai membayar,kami pun jalan. Masa kami mau melintas suda mau pigi building office, tiba-tiba kami dengar orang berabis berteriak ni."Hoiiiii!!! Buduh,moto sa!!! Kurang ajarrrrr punya pencuri!!!!!"
Kami jadi penonton di sana,tidak berani melintas jalan sebab agak huru hara juga tu keadaan tu time adalah dalam 3-6 orang mengejar tu moto time tu.
Suddenly tu moto limpas depan kami and I saw him.
The Runaway
ActionHave you ever wonder why would people leave you hanging? Have you ever wonder why they come back to you without feeling guilty or they have no common sense at all? Have you ever wonder if you really moved on and leave the past behind but suddenly th...