Chapter 9

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"Babe calm down please.."

"Calm down my ass!!!!!! You drug me again!!!"


Habis semua barang sa umban pigi tempat Mason. Memang sa bangun-bangun ja terus sa mengamuk, I grab everything I see and throw it at him.

"Okay sorry-sorry..sorry ah..I had to do it.." Mason cakap sambil dia mengelak dari kena umban.

"Grrrggggaaaaahhhhhh!!" Jadi harimau suda sa.

"Bro,are u o...kay?" Terus automatik sa pandang pigi tempat tu lelaki. Siapa lagi ni? Sa tengok Mason.

"woaahh..what happen here?" Bilang tu lelaki sambil dia senyum-senyum. My god, ada hati lagi ko mau senyum sama sa.  😒

"Are u two gay?" Sa bilang. Baru sa perasaan Mason and that guy shirtless. Meanwhile,sa pakai big white t-shirt with only a panty! 😱

"what? No..buduh ka.." Mason bilang.

"errr,I'll just leave u two alone." Finally that guy walk out from that room.

"What am I wearing?! Pervert juga ko ni!"

"Okay,sa salah about that baju. I was going to find u a pants just now tiba-tiba ko mengamuk."

"I hate u tau ka?! I said jangan drug sa kan. And Mishel!!! Ko cucuk sa time sa bercakap sama dia,kalau dia worry pasal sa macam mana?!"

"Babe,tu bukan Mishel yg call."

"what do mean tu bukan Mishel,nama dia appear at the screen ba. Ko mau cakap sa buta huruf ka?! Kalau bukan dia then siapa?"

"Its the SIA agent."

"ohhh,fcuk u! Jangan main-main sama sa boleh kah."

"Sa cakap yg betul babe. U know why I brought u back there yesterday? That motel was not on the grid nobody will able to contact us."

Terus sa diam,tambah lagi sa bingung. Not on grid apa lagi ni 😣😣😣 Too much drama for the past 3 days. Wait, what day is today? Matilah sa kena buang kerja. 😩

Sunyi sekejap kami dua. Bertinguk-tinguk saja ni.

"Ehemm.." Sa kasi bagus-bagus suara sa.

"So what did u do this time to "manipulate" the situation? What did u tell Mishel?" Annoying sa mau tanya tu soalan but I'm curious.

"I told her that u never visited her and make her forget that u two met. Please don't ask me how I did that. Susah mau explain."

"Buduh oh ko kan.. 😒 then what about my work and Carrie?"

"I sent ur resignation letter."


"Apa ko ca...kap?" Terus sa telan air liur, sa pigang muka sa. Macam mau mendidih suda darah sa ni,macam berasap telinga sa bila sa dengar dia cakap begitu.

" u know that I've struggled to get that job? That was my dream job u idiot!" 360 degree hidup sa berubah dalam masa 72 jam saja.

Sa dengar Mason mengeluh di hujung bilik. Haish,sa patut pakai seluar dulu ba sebelum sa mengamuk kan.

Aiii,tapi sa di mana lagi sekarang ni? 😧

"Here,wear tunggu ko di luar then we talk." Mason bagi sa tu seluar jeans terus sa tarik kasar-kasar peduli lah ko sana.

Sa keluar pigi di ruang tamu. Wow terpegun sa sekejap tengok ni tempat. We're at the island!

Sa nampak Mason and his friend discussing over a map

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Sa nampak Mason and his friend discussing over a map. Eheemm sa bilang terus Mason pusing tengok sa.

"May,this is Tyler my friend at the army."

"Hello,finally dapat juga kita berjumpa. He's been talking about u a lot."

Sa senyum ja,awkward pula sa bila dia cakap begitu sama sa. Mason bawa sa keluar pigi veranda.

"Now talk." Sa bilang tegas sambil sa lipat tangan di dada. Mason kasi keluar something dari poket dia. A small device that look like a battery.

"That SIA agent named Jonathan was looking for this." Aiii macam bunyi jeles pula Mason masa dia sebut nama Jonathan. 😂

"What is that?"

"This thing can explode a whole island."

"Then,it has to do something with me? Sampai u turn my life upside down?" Naa kan geram sa.

Mason mengeluh lagi.

"Babe,I'm sorry but they're after u too. Sa tidak bole kasi biar diorang buat something sama ko. They will use u against me because of this thing."

"Why u didn't think about that before u stole that thing from them?"

"No,sa bukan curi ni. Me and Tyler try to keep this thing safe from them. I told u they're the bad guy. They will sell this device to our enemy and destroy our country."

Sa diam. I try to process that in my mind one by one.

"Before u explain lagi panjang about what is going on right now kan,I want to know why ko hilang begitu saja selama 2 years? I waited for u 1 year but u didn't show up at the train station like u promise."

Finally, I ask that question...

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