Chapter 11

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"Babe? Babe?" Mason guncang bahu sa. I was surprised bila dia cerita semua sama sa. I cannot imagine how they get through all that.

"Huh?" sa bilang 😧

"Are u okay?"

"I think so."Sa bilang,sampai malam pula kami bercerita. Sa kasi tinggal si Mason di veranda. Sa turun pigi bawah jalan-jalan di pasir. Lama suda sa tidak dengar bunyi ombak. Mason jalan di belakang sa.

 Mason jalan di belakang sa

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"U're scaring me. Ko betul-betul okay?" Mason tanya sa.

"I don't know Mason. I don't know what's real anymore. U with that battery thing and stupid SIA still trying to have u to be captured and me being here with u right now."

"Did u forget about me already?"

"How am I supposed to forget about u easily Mason? But being alone for two years, tiada berita lansung dari ko I gave up waiting. To tell u the truth, I really hate u. I hate u for dissapearing, u just stop calling or write a letter so suddenly. What do u expect me to do?"

Out of the blue, Mason kiss sa. Like the way he always do,passionate. The kiss that I've been longing for, I missed his touch, I miss everything about him!

🎵 Ed Sheeran-Dive🎵

"Tell me in the eyes that u don't love me anymore."

Mason bilang and continue to kiss me.

"Tell me u don't miss this."

I do Mason,I do!

"Tell me babe,tell me!"

I kiss him back,really I did. Sa tidak peduli sekeliling I just kiss him. We are kissing until we're out of breathe.

Then reality hits me back.

I pushed Mason away.

"Please,don't do this Mason. U know I can't handle u." Tercungap-cungap sa bercakap.

"Then don't stop." Mason kiss sa balik.

"No please. No."

I cried out loud. Sa keliru dengan perasaan sa sendiri. Sa rasa macam sa main tarik tali sama Mason,sa tidak tau if I'm still in love with him. I feel like being with him right now is so wrong.

"Babe,I love u and I will do everything just to make sure u're safe." Mason hug sa. Sa teringat balik promise dia sebelum dia jalan pigi recruit yg dulu,tambah sa sakit hati. Why did Mason come back to me in this kind of situation?

"Sa cuma minta ko untuk sama-sama sa sampai ni semua selesai. After that,if u want me to let u go I'll let u go. But not now. Sa tidak mau kasi tinggal ko sekarang."

Mason kasi lepas sa dari pelukan dia.

"Please babe.."

"Whatever. Sa masuk dulu."

I can't think straight for now. Sa ingat sa happy with my life, well I was happy before he came back and start messing with my life like a storm.

I know I will never be the same again after this,sa tidak faham kenapa dia betul-betul concern pasal sa. SIA yg bodoh tu pun satu juga,diorang tidak tau ka yg sa tidak sama-sama Mason suda. Kenapa mesti mau main psycho dengan melibatkan orang yg tiada kaitan sama Mason,contohnya sa ni.

Kalau kamu hebat betul mengurik pasal orang you guys should know ba kan. Why use me? Sa ni macam bait untuk trap si Mason saja. Stupid!

Now, I can only think on how to survive next day.


I'm sorry I did nothing good to you May. I'm really sorry I put u through this. Tapi sa janji once semua ini berlalu,I'll make sure u're happy. That's my promise to u.

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