Chapter 13

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Automatik sa tutup mata sa bila sa rasa tu mulut pistol betul-betul di dahi sa. Sa telan air liur,tangan sama kaki sa mulai sejuk,jantung sa memang laju kalah tu f1 pya racer laju dia.

That lady looks like she's going to eat me. My knees start to shake. Mason,save me.

I heard footsteps running at the stairs harap-harap Mason

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I heard footsteps running at the stairs harap-harap Mason. Sa buka mata sa,sangkaan sa meleset sama sekali. 3 guys with a full face and body mask come towards us.

That lady attack them first. Terpegun sa tengok dia dengan skills dia tu,she is really a good fighter.

After she finish fighting,she look at me again. Sa terkejut when she's coming towards me.

"Aries!" Sa dengar suara Mason.

Aries? Mason knows her?

"Mason! thank god u're okay." Aries pigi tempat Mason and hugs him tightly.

What the hell..😦😦😦😦

"What are u doing here?"

"I come as soon as I found out ur hiding place. I've been following the SIA in tracking you. Its so good to see u again." Aries kiss pipi Mason sambil diorang berpeluk and Mason look at me.

I am amazed how Mason managed to play with me until this time. Hah!! I knew it, I just knew it. Dia bawa sa pigi sini just to show me that he had a new girl and of course a hot one.

Semalam bukan main lagi ko kiss-kiss sa and told me u loved me. U said that u need to protect me,protect tai anjing lah. U could just be with that girl for the rest of ur life ba Mason, sa rasa tertipu betul oh!!!! Nice game Mason,reaallly nice.

"We've got to go! There's too many of them!" Tyler teriak sambil dia naik atas. Mason kasi lepas Aries dari pelukan dia terus dia pigi dekat sa and tarik tangan sa.

Sa tarik balik tangan sa. Mason pandang sa.

"Sa buli jalan sendiri!" Sa limpas Aries sambil sa tengok dia tajam.

"Come on." Tyler cakap,sa pigang tangan dia.

"Careful." Tyler bilang and dia jalan pelan-pelan sambil tengok sekeliling. Dia standby suda tu gun dia.

Teruk juga keadaan di bawah ni. 😱😱😱

Semua diorang ada gun,I'm the only person who look like a dumb right now. Aries lagi sama Mason side to side. Ish memang bodoh lah tengok scene diorang dua ni.

Macam tu spy agent ja tu pakaian si Aries. Yg sa ni apa? Black mango t-shirt and ripped short jeans saja. Kaki ayam lagi 😔

"Wait for my signal. Oh god!" Tyler terkejut nampak sa macam malakat di belakang dia.

"What?" Sa bilang.

Tyler mampu blink-blink ja. Sa masi tetap pigang tangan dia. Sa perasaan Mason silik-silik juga tempat kami. Tapi peduli apa sa, napa ko tidak berpigang sama Aries, padan lah kamu dua tu. Dua-dua pandai berlawan,pandai use gun kan? Sa ni kena bagi pistol air pun sama juga tidak pandai aim. Shit!

"Wait here." Tyler cakap sama sa. Dia pandang diorang Mason,terus diorang angguk kepala. Macam masing-masing buli baca kepala otak diorang ni. See I told u,I'm an idiot.

Diorang tiga orang terus keluar pigi di luar and start shooting here and there. Sa? Tidak payah tanya,I hide under the table. I heard them fighting,screaming,shooting. So scary tau ka macam bila-bila masa saja sa boleh bertemu ajal.

Tak! Tak!

I heard macam bunyi boots ni di dalam rumah. Sa tutup mulut sa hoping that whoever that is,he or she will never find me. Berabis sa peluk lutut sa.


A guy tunduk di bawah meja and look me in the eye. I can't scream sebab sa terlampau takut sama terkejut.

"Finally,I found u. 😏"

Tu lelaki terus kasi terbalik tu meja. Dia tarik sa and carry me on his shoulder.

"Aarrgghhh! Let me go!!!"

"No! May! May!"

Sa sempat tengok Mason and he's running towards me. Yes,save me please! Please! Malangnya the other guys just came in his way and distract him.

This asshole over here just carry me in a helicopter and took off.

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