Chapter 15

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"No! May! May!" Sa teriak panggil May as I saw Raun was carrying her on his back. Sa berlari sekuat hati sa kejar Raun.

"Hiyaahhh!!" 3 orang datang hentam sa sekaligus. Sa fight diorang habis-habisan but its too late now. Bila sa mau lari pigi tempat May, the helicopter already took off.

Sa rasa mau mati saja bila sa nampak May kena bawa lari depan mata sa. Its my fault! I didn't protect her enough!

"Bro!" Tyler lari pigi tempat sa as I kneel down,lemah tulang lutut sa nampak kejadian begitu,that's the one thing I cannot bear to watch. May!!!!! I'll save u no matter what!!

"Mason!" Aries lagi pigi tempat sa sambil dia pegang-pegang bahu sa.

"Why are u acting like this? Who is that girl?" Aries tanya sa. Sa nampak dia tengok Tyler like she's hoping she would get some answer from him.

"That girl we neglected just now is his girlfriend. We've put her life in danger,Mason we must go there and save her now!" Tyler tarik tangan sa untuk kasi berdiri sa.

"Hold on a second..I thought Mason had nobody.." Aries bilang.

"Well lady u thought wrong. Come on bro!" I know Tyler tidak berapa ngam sama Aries.

Kami 3 orang lari naik atas speed bot kami.

Flashback three years ago, how I met Aries..

"Hey!" A lady in a uniform came running pigi tempat sa sama Tyler.

"That's a pretty awesome shot!" Dia senyum sambil dia puji masa kami latihan menembak di lapang sasar.

"Thanks." Sa bilang.

"By the way,I'm Aries. I'm the new instructor here. I heard u guys were a recruit?" Aries offer a handshake.

Tyler yg sambut tangan dia,as I would not touch any other girl than May.

"I'm Tyler and this is Mason." Sa senyum saja.

"Nice to meet u guys. That's way too advance for a recruit skills. I like what I see just now maybe we can work together in future. Well then see u around. Hey,don't be so serious ur face is going to fall." Aries cakap sambil dia tepuk bahu sa.

"Bro,dia interested in u tu."

"stop playing. U know I'm not into someone else."

"She's hot man!"

"Why don't u try and ask her out?"

"I will later,watch me."

Aries actually was assigned to be our instrtuctor and marking collector for shooting point, di sanalah sa sama Tyler get close to her but for me it is not more than friends. Sa betul-betul hanya anggap dia sebagai kawan rapat saja.

[How about we look at Aries point of view]

I met Mason at the base camp three years ago. I admit I was attracted to him when I first saw him.

I wanted to know about him more but as soon as they finish with their recruits I never see him again. Until one day,back in the day where sa kena serap masuk SIA secara tidak sengaja sa dengar conversation Raun di telephone. He was tracking Mason.

That's where I learned that he sent him for a suicide mission. No wonder Mason just dissappeared. Sa investigate kenapa Raun betul-betul mau dapatkan Mason and selama two years juga sa ikut diorang track Mason dalam diam. Unfortunately,sa selalu one step behind.

Again,today sa jumpa Mason balik and he's actually have a girl. Why did I hesistate to shoot her in the head just now? I should just kill her in instant.

Looking at how Mason break down for losing her,I regret my thoughts. I'm not a bitch, sa cuma muncul in an unexpected situation. I never meant to hurt anybody I just want to offer help.

At least I would like to see Mason smile again like he used to.

[SIA basement]

"Does any of this reminds u of something?" Raun tanya sa sambil dia run his fingers di needles and knives yg bersusun di meja.

Sa bergegar,suddenly dada sa sakit because I could not breathe properly rasa macam ada something yg blocking di dada sa. U know when u standing in the middle of cold road and u were shivering sampai ko tidak buli bercakap? Thats how I am now.

"What do u mean by that?"

"Awwh,I would prefer if u ingat sendiri rather than sa yg kasi remind. Thats no fun at all!"

"Do u think this is fun? Like having me here is somekind of joke?"

Prannngggg! The chain kena kasi turun dari atas.

Out of nowhere, I got this horrible image in my head. Like it was stored in my brain like a memory and it flashes back before my eyes. I knew this feeling, I felt this before!

Bbluubbb!!!! Bluuuubbbb!! Heemmmmm!!!


"Stop-stop!!! Please!!!I can't breath.."

Tercungap-cungap sa ambil nafas selepas beberapa kali sa kena celup dalam pool. I was hang by the chain upside down with both my hands were cuff with a heavy metal.


Sa pegang kepala sa kuat-kuat,my head is in pain like it was pressed between concrete. Sa rasa kepala sa mau pecah bila-bila masa saja.

"Feeling something yet?" Raun cakap sambil dia peluk tubuh tengok sa dalam kesakitan.

"Hmm,I guess we won't need drug u to make u remember. Poor May,getting back with Mason is a huge mistake. And he,being a smartpant make a wrong move."

I feel like I was spinning in the air dengan kelajuan 180 km/h.

I collapse on the floor.

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