Chapter 12

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I never thought that May will change, tapi sa tidak kasi salah dia. I know her, she is sad and need to move on with her life. Sepanjang masa sa tengok dia dari jauh, I saw how she's struggled to continue with her life without me. I know she loves me as much as I do,but I put her through enough.


I never forget Mason,not a second. I never forget that I'm once in love with this man. I'm in denial,sa masi tidak buli terima yg ni dia reality yg sa face sekarang ni. I hope this is just a long dream and I'm still finding a way to wake myself up.

Two years is a long journey for me to finally realize that he'll never come back, semua pertanyaan sa di dalam kepala sa selama dia menghilang terjawab,he was on his first mission. But sa mengaku yg sa actually feel relieved to be able to see him again.

The next morning..

"Bro,why is May dingin betul sama ko tu? I thought u two were in love?" Tyler tanya sa tiba2.

"We were,I still do tapi I don't know about her. Macam dia irritated betul nampak sa sekarang ni."

"I am irritated."

Sa pusing belakang,May berdiri di belakang kami. Bila masa dia bangun sama turun pun kami tidak sedar.

"Err, bagus sa pigi check tu enjin boat bro." Tyler bilang terus dia turun sambil dia senyum sama May.

"Sorry, I didn't know u were listening back there."

"I can hear u two talking from up there actually. U guys wake me up. So apa plan ko lepas ni? Can I go home?"

Sa pandang May.

"Babe, I'll get u home as soon as possible don't worry. Even if u hate me to death u have to bear it for ur own safety. Ko masi mau hidup kan?"

Panas hati sa, May ni macam tidak pandai faham pula tujuan sa hanya untuk make sure yg dia selamat.

Muka May berubah. Shit,serba salah pula sa. Sa tidak buli nampak muka dia begitu.

"Ya ba,sa memang masi hidup!"

Terus May hampas-hampas kaki dia naik pigi atas.


Aduh Mason apa suda ko buat.


"Pukitai ko Mason. Buduh juga sa kan,kotoh apa ko rasa pigi lagi cari pasal sama Mason. Bersyukurlah ko masi hidup sampai sekarang May."

Sa pukul-pukul kepala sa. Sa kasi rebah badan sa di katil,arrgghh boring betul sa sini oh.


Sa teliti tu battery yg kami ambil dari Raun tu hari,if possible kami mau kasi terminate ni explode activator dia.


Straight sa tengok tu handphone ringing. Fcuk!

Jantung sa kabak-kabak,this is how SIA track us. Once diorang dapat get through the phone call means diorang success in finding us.

Tyler berlari naik pigi rumah.

"Bro,we've got company!"

Cepat-cepat kami ambil gun masing-masing and hide in a safe position. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 little son of a bitch masuk dalam living room.

"Show time." Bilang mulut si Tyler. Kami berdiri terus kami tembak diorang satu-satu. Banggg! Banggg!!

Piiiiuuuuuuu ssshhhhhhh...oh shit grenade kena buang pigi living room.

"Tyler!!!" sa berlari pigi tempat Tyler terus kami lumpat pigi lantai.


What the hell!!! Diorang ada backup pula datang pakai speed boat. I should know that,arrrgghhhh how can I be so stupid!

No,May! May masi di atas lagi.


Bang!!! Bang!!!!

Automatik sa terbangun dari katil. This is the second time sa dengar bunyi machine gun (machine gun lagi 😂).

I want to get out from the room mau lari pigi tempat Mason but as soon as I sa buka pintu,a lady is pointing a gun straight to my head.

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