Chapter 14

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I was brought here by force but I'm glad I can see my surrounding. I prefer this way rather than being drug or shock by an electric gun.

Sepanjang perjalanan dalam helicopter I was left alone,nobody talk to me and nobody even go near me. Ni lagi bikin takut. After 1 hour, the helicopter finally lands and I stand up. This is not the usual helicopter,this helicopter is very huge bole muat 10 scrambler, yes I am serious.

Satu-satu diorang turun,sa tengok saja diorang ni. This is awkward and its killing me! I cannot stand being so sunyi. Finally, the last person yg turun is the person who brought me here just now.

 Finally, the last person yg turun is the person who brought me here just now

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"Come on!" He just lift me in the air like I was just a piece of paper.

"No!!! Arrgghhh don't!!" sa tumbuk belakang kepala dia.

As we go down the helicopter,sa sempat scan sekeliling.

"Where is this place?" I ask him.

"Welcome to SIA base."


I'm in the last place I wanted to be.

We entered that huge building. Sa kena bawa in one big room with only mirrors and no chairs or table or whatsoever.

Again,I was thrown at the floor like I was a punching bag.

"Auucchhh! Bole ka if u stop treating me like I was some kind of bag?! Huuuggghhhh!!!" Sa pigang lutut sama siku sa,sakit ba kena hampas tu.

That guy just stared at me like he was trying to read my mind. He just look at me sambil dia jalan pusing-pusing badan sa.

"May Flory Gibson. It is so nice to finally meet u again."

Again? What does he mean by that?

"I never saw u in my life.."

"Don't u remember me?"

"No..I dont know u!"

"Its me, Raun."

"Raun? I never heard ur name before."

"Mason is pretty good in manipulating u don't he? Hmm 😏"

"What do you mean by that?" Sa kasi kerut dahi sa,okay now level curiosity sa melonjak naik sekarang ni pigi yg level langit ke-7.

Raun senyum. Senyum yg seriously scary,like lagi scary dari si badut IT. My heart beat so fast again I feel like I was going to die for the third time.

"Don't worry,I'll make u remember me again."

Then he left.

Sa jalan ke hulu ke hilir dalam ni bilik wondering what might happen to me next. I can't even describe my fear right now, it's like I am going to die or I'll face another hell.

After two hours of being left, ttrrangggggg!!

Someone opens the door. There's Jonathan and another man masuk dalam bilik.

"Jonathan?" Sa panggil dia, I'm glad he's here, I mean he is the only person with familiar face here. Tapi dia tidak jawab sa,as if he never saw me before this.

Jonathan tarik ja tangan sa kasar-kasar sampai sa rasa mau terlepas tulang bahu sa.

"Auuuu!! What the hell?!" Jonathan ikat tangan sa pakai rubber yg paling ketat di dunia. Tidak lama memang biru lah tangan sa ni. Siap ikat,terus dia tarik sa keluar dari tu bilik.

Sa tidak berani mau melawan. I just follow them,I'm afraid if I start melawan they might hit me or something like that. I just look around,I was brought down to the basement.

"Where are u taking me?Jonathan?" I cannot stop asking.

"Will u please shut up?" Jonathan bilang,sa terpinga-pinga.

Kami berdiri depan pintu yg besar dia macam pintu garaj,the other man with Jonathan just now buka tu pintu and I immediately close my eyes because that place is too bright.

When I entered that place,all I can see is a huge pool at the centre and da satu chain hanging dari atas di tengah-tengah tu pool besar.

And on my right hand side, there's a long table fill with various kind and shapes of needles and knives.

Meanwhile,on my left hand side ada few beds with lots of wires tangling here and there. And chairs too,equiped with handcuff.

I am crying because I was too scared that something might happen to me.

"Please,what are u guys doing to me?Please, I don't know anything about what Mason is hiding from u guys. Just let me go,u guys are wasting ur time." Sa cuba merayu even though I know it was useless.

Jonathan tarik sa sampai dekat tu pool. Dia kasi tinggal ja sa di sana. Nafas sa turun naik suda ketakutan. I feel like am going to die today.

Sa scanning dalam tu bilik. I look up when I heard Raun says..

"May,do you still remember this place? 😏"

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