Chapter 19

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Present time..


🎵Jessie Ware -Till The End 🎵

I am a fool.

I was played by Mason.

Not once but twice. I was standing before him like an idiot, seriously sa rasa sa ada lah orang yg sangat-sangat buduh sekarang ni.

Sa duduk menyandar di corner dalam bilik tempat Raun simpan sa two years ago and now. Sa menangis sepuas-puas hati sa sambil sa peluk lutut sa. When I remembered everything, sa rasa macam mau tampar muka sa beribu kali. Mason tidak kasi tinggal sa selama ini but I've lived a horrible life! I've lived in a fake life! I am supposed to be miserable not happy!

Mason Timber. Sa sebut nama dia sambil sa tarik nafas panjang and sa reorganize segala kejadian dalam kepala sa, sampai hati betul ko buat sa begini. Ko buat sa macam sa tiada perasaan, even the last time I saw u I asked to be with u tapi ko lansung tidak consider pasal sa. U have no right to erase my memories about u, don't u know I was so crazily in love with u?

Sa nangis sampai sa rasa leher sa sakit, hidung sa tersumbat, start suda sa terhenjut-henjut menangis and sa rasa mata sa macam mau terkeluar suda ni. I just can't stop thinking that, I'm acting like I was a different person around Mason for the past weeks and yet dia buat macam dia tidak pernah jumpa sa selama dua tahun tu.

Along the way pula, he met someone called Aries. Ahah! I cannot forget her look when she pointed that gun at my head. Padanlah ba ko sama Mason tu, oh what was I thinking? Memanglah ba Mason would go for her because he doesn't know how much I care and love for him and he just makes everything feels so easy. Who am I to judge him anyway kan?

Sa konfius dengan perasaan sa sekarang ni! I hate him but in the same time I love him.

Apa patut sa buat ni? Tunggu diorang Raun seksa sa lagi like the old times? Atau sa patut benci Mason? Atau sa patut tunggu dia kasi selamat sa macam dulu tu? Why? Why? Why me? Why now?


"Rilex bro, I don't think she remembered." Tyler cakap sama sa masa kami driving pigi SIA.

"Raun is smart Ty, I think she remembered everything and must be so confuse right now or worse dia akan benci sa." I'm worried, sa tidak mau May ingat semua tu. I know dia akan sakit hati and she will never forgive me.

Tyler pegang bahu sa. We both know how Raun can be tricky in every situation.

"I'll help u Mason." Aries bersuara tiba-tiba di belakang selepas beberapa lama dia diam. Tyler jeling dia.

"Ty, ko ada problem ka sama sa ni? Lain-lain betul ko jeling sa dari tadi."

"Ya, kalau ko tidak pigi berganding sama Mason tu hari tidak juga May kena culik tu."

"Jadi salah sa kah dia kena tangkap? Kami dua saja ada di sana masa tu kejadian? Bukan dia pigang ko ka masa tu juga?" Aries bercakap macam tu peluru.

"Ya, semuaaaaa salah ko! Diamlah ko sana!"

Aries maju pigi depan terus dia tumbuk belakang kepala Tyler.

"Auuuhh!!!" Tyler kesakitan.

"If u want to ask me out just ask jangan cari pasal."

Terus merah muka Tyler, sa senyum ja nampak muka dia. Busted! Hahaha.

"By the way, apa plan ko sekarang ni Mason?" Aries tanya sa.

"My only plan is to get May out of there."

"Err, I mean macam mana ko mau kasi selamat May?"

"Just barge in lah."

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