Chapter 10

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Flashback three years ago.

"Excited mau pulang ba kan." Tyler bilang sama sa.

"Ya ba,I cannot wait to see her. 1 tahun bro dia setia tunggu sa."

1 minggu lagi kami mau habis suda recruit training after that,I'm officially a special force army.

"28056, 29077 Sila datang ke bilik kawalan dengan segera. Diulangi 28056, 29077 sila datang ke bilik kawalan dengan segera."

Bertinguk kami dua Tyler nombor badan kami kena panggil. Kami sampai ja bilik kawalan,our senior Raun sama Corporal James ada di dalam.

"Sir!" kami bagi tabik hormat sama diorang.

"Good,kamu di sini suda. Shall we?" Corporal James bawa kami duduk di meja bulat.

"Mason & Tyler. The best recruit that we had in this camp. I have bad and good news untuk kamu." Corporal bilang.

Kami masi diam tunggu arahan seterusnya.

"Raun?" Corporal cakap.

Raun tengok kami dua.

"Boys,good news is u guys will start a mission soon. Bad news is the mission will be on the day that u released."

Sa pandang Tyler,dia pandang sa. Sa rasa happy finally we've able to have a real mission and in the same time sa sedih because sa masih belum buli jumpa May lagi.

"What kind of mission is it sir?"

"We will send u off the border."



Finally,May asked me that question. Soalan yg sa memang mau jawab sejak hari sepatutnya sa jumpa dia 3 tahun yg lalu. Sa tidak sanggup mau break her heart when she learn the truth later. Tapi sampai bila sa mau hide dari dia kan? My feelings for her never change since the first day I saw her I'm still crazy about her.

"Sa bukan sengaja." opps, I think I've made a wrong move.

"Tidak sengaja apa? Hilang dari radar? Tidak sengaja ko "tertinggal" sa? I cannot call that as an excuse Mason." May bilang. Kan sa suda agak ba.

"The day that I'm supposed to get back is the day when Raun sent us for a mission. I wrote u a letter but I guess tu letter tidak sampai sama ko."

Berubah muka May bila sa bagitau dia begitu. Dari muka yg tense tukar pigi muka concern dia kasi lurus tangan dia yg dari tadi berpeluk tubuh.

"The mission was a suicide for me and Tyler."

Flashback 3 years ago.

The Border.

"Wait for my signal." Tyler bilang. Dia masuk duluan dalam tu base camp. The Border is the place di mana all pemberontak or terrorist hiding.

"I'll cover u,go." sa tepuk bahu Tyler.

5 minutes after Tyler made a head start, he called me.

"Bro,come on in now. This place is empty."

Sa masuk di dalam kejar Tyler. Memang that building empty and surprisingly sangat sunyi. Kami dua naik pigi tingkat atas,kami masuk dalam lab diorang. That's when we saw that baterry. Actually kami ingat itu cuma battery biasa, I took that battery to take a look at it. That's when we got ambushed.

"Put your hands in the air where I can see them. Don't do anything stupid or we'll explode ur head. Drop ur weapons now."

Sa sama Tyler terpaksa surrender sebab diorang terlalu ramai. Kami jadi tebusan terrorist from the north. We've been tortured everyday supaya kami reveal reason napa kami masuk border.

The reason? Before we start the mission, we were instructed to save the hostages yg dijadikan tahanan terrorist from the North. The hostages was our platoon that have been sent there before for another mission.

After a week kami kena tortured,Raun saved us. Well,we thought kami kena save but actually kami hanya day dreaming. Ini semua rancangan Raun dari mula untuk guna kami untuk curi ni battery dari terrorist from the north. Apa tujuan Raun? Well easy,dia mau conquer everything. We've learned that he also installed a tracker inside our neck. Thats why he knows di mana kami kena bawa oleh terrorist-terrorist ni.

While Raun is having a war with them at the outside, Tyler and I managed to escaped and took the battery with us. We overheard Raun instructed his people to kill us both and get the battery. We were locked at the basement but we can see and hear everything from down here. And running was never easy,kami terpaksa battle sama diorang lagi di luar. Memang bloody war terus.

We ran as fast as we could,we ran towards the ocean and swim through it until we arrived in this island. We had to cut our neck to get that bloody tracker out. We use everything that we've learned in order to survive. I almost gave up surviving at that time, but sa kasi kuat semangat sa demi mau balik sama May.

That mission took a toll on us. We've spent two years recovering and hiding.


May diam dari tadi sa cerita. Now, I cannot read her expression anymore.

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