Chapter 8

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Flashback 3 years ago..

"28056! Ada parcel ko sampai

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"28056! Ada parcel ko sampai." Berlari sa pigi base camp ambil tu parcel sa. It must be from May.

Senyum-senyum sa ambil tu parcel di meja.

"Thank u sir."

"U know,ko lah recruit yg paling kerap kena hantar parcel. Lucky u boy,from ur wife ka?"

Sa senyum.

"Soon to be my wife sir. Sa plan after habis recruit ni sa memang mau propose sama dia."

"Good for u."

Sa bawa tu parcel naik pigi bilik kawalan,tempat sa sama Tyler selalu lepak. Tyler is the friend yg sa rapat sejak sa masuk di sini 8 months ago.

Cepat-cepat sa buka tu kotak, May send me some foods, 3 in 1 drinks and oh whats this, a knitted sweater? 😍😍

I am doing just fine here besides missing you..I wish u were here for the new year but I guess I'll be with Mishel..I love u,I hope the sweater will keep u warm always..xoxo -May-

Ba patient my dear.I'll come home soon I promise.

"Its her again buddy? Sabarrrr ada two months lagi kita mau habis suda ni." Tyler tap bahu sa.

"Yes Ty. I want to propose to her as soon as I get down from the train when the day finally come."


Tyler and I meet up as promise.

"Bro,cepat atau lambat SIA akan dapat juga track si May tu. They're expert in that. Mayat yg suda lama jadi tanah dalam kubur pun diorang buli cari apa lagi dia yg masih hidup."

Tyler convince sa untuk ambil May hari ini. Ya,sa tau what kind of people SIA are. For the past two years, I'm watching May dari jauh saja,I'm really afraid if something bad happen to her. Sepanjang dua tahun tu juga agent SIA ada di mana-mana trying to track me and Tyler.

"How about u bro? Ur parents?" Sa cakap sama Tyler sambil sa tengok May sama Carrie jalan sama-sama seberang jalan raya.

"Don't worry they won't find them. I've moved them in a secure place. It hurts me bila sa terpaksa manipulate diorang to forget about me but its for their own good." Tyler bilang sambil dia hembus asap rokok dia.

SIA is a psychopath. They will use other person to against us,sebab tu sa sama Tyler always 1 step ahead from them. Their leader Raun,our senior during recruit is the mastermind,a sick and a very tricky person. Some says he wants to conquer the world,some says dia gila kuasa but some day we will stop him. I'll kill him with my own hands.

"That's her kan?" Tyler cakap lagi sambil dia pandang diorang May.

"Yup,the one and only sa bilang. Di mana ko simpan the baterry?"  Sa bilang.

"I buried them at the island last time."

"Raun will not stop until he find it. He's just using SIA to cover his trick."

"I know. I'm glad we went to that mission last time bro." Tyler sama sa fist bump. Kalau sa ingat balik that suicide mission memang sangat bikin sakit hati.

"Bro,SIA agent 3 o'clock. Diorang mau pigi tempat May." Tyler cepat-cepat berdiri.

"I'll distract them,go now."

"Hey!" Sa panggil tu SIA agent,as expected diorang nampak ja sa terus mengejar macam singa nampak daging ja diorang ni. I ran as fast a I could. Ngam-ngam sa nampak ada lelaki baru parking ducati dia apa lagi grab the chance la.

"Hoiiiii!!! Buduh,moto sa!!! Kurang ajarrrrr punya pencuri!!!!!"

And sa limpas diorang May,I'm pretty sure she saw me.


Now, at the motel.

I have to drug her again for the second time. I'm sorry May but this is the only way to save u. It was the SIA who's tracking her phone that she thought it was Mishel calling. Macam mana sa tau? Because this motel is out of grid and nobody will able to get through a phone call in here.

Sa packing semua barang sa,they'll be here in any minute. Sa angkat beg and dukung May. I walk to the back of this motel where I hid my car.

 I walk to the back of this motel where I hid my car

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I promise this will end very soon May.

🎵Melanie Martinez - Training wheels🎵

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