Chapter 1

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We won! We actually won the GMG, I knew no matter what that my family and friends would pull together and win for all of us. We won the Gran Magic Games around a week ago now but since then the guild has been...kind of weird. Natsu hasn't spoken to me since he rescued me and saw my future self die in front of him.

Erza walked over with a serious look on her face and sat down next to me, revealing a cake.

"Lucy, have you seen Natsu recently?" She asked me.

"I've seen him but he doesn't seem to see me anymore, why do you ask?"

"Lucy. Natsu has asked to remove you from the team, his reasoning is so that you're not hurt by the harder missions we tend to take" I looked at her, frozen in shock.

"And by that he means..."

"That you're too weak to be on his team." I looked down.

"I see...and you and Gray?"

"Where as we wouldn't use that exact sentence, we do agree." I clenched my fist up and got up from the table, storming out of the guild to an empty field.

"OPEN! GATE OF THE LION! LEO!" I shouted, a magic circle appeared and shortly after my strongest spirit revealed himself, I leaped into his arms and cried as he comforted me.

"Hush, Princess, why don't you use this time to go on solo missions and pay your rent. I'll go with you." I sniffed but nodded and wiped my tears away, dusting my shorts and shirt off and held onto Loke's hand as we walked to the guild, as we entered I heard everyone jeering at me and whispering under their breath.

"Looks like Natsu finally got rid of the weakling."

"All she does is hide behind her spirits."

"Maybe she'll vanish on one of her missions."

I held onto Loke's hand tighter as Juvia walked over to me. She engulfed me in her arms and whispered in my ear.

"Don't believe them, Love Rival, Juvia is your friend and shall always stick by you as does Gajeel, Lily, Wendy, Carla and Levy" I smiled weakly and nodded as I looked up at gramps' office to see him frowning with Laxus by his side.

"Princess, The King is requesting me, I shall return soon." My faithful spirit and best friend vanished in golden sparkles and I felt the tug on my magic go.

I walked over to the request board to look at some jobs ignoring the whispers and stares, I picked off a job which needed a Mage to catch a bandit and picked it up as Natsu and Lisanna came over and snatched it off me.

"Sorry this job requires a Strong wizard on this job" Lisanna smirked as she waved the paper in front of me.

"I think Team Natsu can handle this" Natsu sneered. I clenched my fist and stormed pass them up to Gramps' office.

"I want to leave." I stared at my father figure as he looked up from his paperwork.

"Leave, my child?" He asked

"Fairy tail, Master." I lowered my head and held my hand out showing the fairy tail mark, "Fairy Tail have turned their backs on me and I intend to do the same." I explained.

"Very well my child." He performed his ritual and told me the three rules and I walked out no longer a fairy tail Mage.

"Open gate of the maiden! Virgo!" I chanted as the emotionless pinkette popped up from a hole she had dug.

"Punishment, Princess?" She asked, I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

"No Virgo, can you go and pack my clothes and belongings for me?" As I finished my sentence Loke appeared on his own Magic.

"Princess, you have been summoned by the Celestial King" Loke had a huge smile on his face as if I'd finally said yes to one of his dates.

"Me?! Why me? What have I done now" I groaned. Virgo equipped me with some celestial robes and I felt the familiar feeling of being transported to the Celestial World.

"My old friend, we meet again." I turned around looking up to the giant Celestial King.

"Hello, Celestial Spirit King, can I ask why I am here?" I asked curiously to see all of my Spirits around me.

"My dear friend, I am aware of your situation on earth and as I see you as my own daughter, I wish to train you as a Star Dress user this is a lost magic which will be very hard and will take 3 years earth time. You shall be staying in the Celestial realm until it is completed and you will not be able to leave. Loke and Capricorn will be teaching you how to use your star dress." I looked around and all my spirits had smiles on their faces excluding Aquarius who held a frown but I could tell she still wanted me to do this.

"I accept your majesty."


I'm not sure of which shipping I'm going to do so let me know

No Nalu


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