Chapter 17

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The second the door closed, Sting embraced me into a kiss. It was frantic and passionate and left me wanting more but my fathers voice spilled into my head.

Shadow. Be aware that if you find your mate. You are bound to them. Make sure you know who you're mating with. If anything happens and for whatever reason they will die.

"St-Sting! Wait!" I muttered as I pulled away from him, I sighed and sat on the bed.

"My dad told me that if one of us leaves after mating we'll die." I patted next to me and he sat down.

"I know. Weisslogia told me that as well. But I love you Shadow!" He proclaimed.

"You don't even know who I am Sting!" I told him, my eyes stuck to the floor. "You don't even know who my father is."

"You told me! Your father was a poor farmer who was killed."

"I mean my dragon father Sting." I took a deep breath. "I've only told three other people. Twilight, Lucy and Roman." I felt my eyes gloss over with tears.




I flinched as Roman's voice filled my head and I started to hyperventilate. I needed Lucy...

Sting placed his hand on my shoulder and for some reason even without us mating yet, I felt him comfort me and help me with my breathing.

"Shadow. I'm not leaving. This person who rejected you like this, is not worth your attention." He told me as he cupped my cheek.

"Ac-Acnologia." I choked out. Sting froze. "Acnologia is my father." Sting took a deep breath in and nodded.

"Okay...that's a big thing to take in, but tell me about him. Through your eyes." He asked.

"He was...the best. He loved me and I loved him. I lied when I told you about my biological father, truth is I actually don't know. Acnologia found me abandoned at around 2 years of age. I spent 7 years with him until he disappeared in the year x777"

"On the 7th day of the 7th month?" Sting asked. I nodded. "That was the day, I killed Weisslogia." He admitted to me.

"Why, why did you kill him. You wouldn't have killed him out of hate." He shook his head.

"No. Never. Weisslogia was my father and I loved him. But they were both very ill." They must be Skiadrum. "They told us we had to kill them. To complete our stands out as the worst day of my life." He confided with me, I smiled weakly and held his hand comfortingly.

"Thank you for telling me that." I told him honestly. He gave me his signature smirk which shifted into a genuine smile.

"Anything, for you. I've liked you ever since I joined the guild." I smiled remembering when Sting first came to Sabertooth. He was 12 and I was 15.

"Hey you look strong! Can we fight?" I turned around to see a boy slightly smaller than me with blonde hair and the most sparkling blue eyes with a scar above his left eye. I giggled and ruffled his hair.

"Maybe. What magic do you use?" I ask him.

"I'm the White dragon slayer!" He proclaimed. I grinned at him.

"Hmm, Holy magic as well?" I asked, he nodded smugly. I crossed my arms and nodded. "Okay then we can fight!"

"We never did have that fight, ya know." I smiled at him and I leapt on him and pinned him down. "But who said it had to be a magic fight?" I grinned at him as I closed the distance between us and kissed him again, deciding that no matter what, I'd never leave Sting. My Mate.

The next day


I heard banging on the door and I groaned as I opened my eyes. The sun gleamed in my eyes as I looked up and saw Rogues adorable face.

"LULU! ROGUE! C'MON WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" I heard Shadow yell. I jumped up and grabbed my keys, summoning Virgo.

"Yes Princess?" She asked.

"Virgo! Can you please get me some clothes?" I asked her as my clothes were next door. She nodded and poofed away, reappearing with some clothes. I got dressed and woke Rogue up. "Rogue! Cmon we're gonna be late!" I shook him lightly, his hand grabbed my wrist and he pulled me closer to him. He opened one eye and grinned.

"Morning." He muttered, kissing me softly. I smiled and kissed him back.

"Morning, now hurry up we're gonna be late. Go in the bathroom I'll let Sting and Shadow in." He nodded and ran to the bathroom as I opened the door. "Come in Rogues getting dressed and we'll portal there." Shadow nodded and Sting kept his eyes on Shadow. Grinning like an idiot, I saw the white and purple group of scales around their necks.

"Wow Lulu! Your scales look so pretty." Shadow sighed.

"Scales?" I asked. Shadow gave me a pocket mirror and I looked at my own neck which had a group of golden and black scales. "They're so...pretty." I grinned as Rogue came out and I noticed the similar scales on his neck.

"They are aren't they." He smiled as he walked over and held my hand.

"Open, gate to the Grand Magic Games." We Dan through the portal to see Rufus standing there, tapping his foot.

"We're here!" I yelled out to him as a look of relief came to his face.

"Thank heavens!" He praised.

"Sorry, it was a hectic night last night." Shadow explained. "We'll catch you up after the introductions.

"And in First Place...SABERTOOTH."

The stadium filled with cheers as we all walked out. The sun hit my eyes and as I stepped out I saw the familiar scene of the crowds of people. Last time, I was here for Fairy Tail.

"Is that Lucy Heartfilia?" I heard the commentator ask.

"It seems so, she went missing 4 years ago and now she's returned but to Sabertooth. This should be interesting!" They debates for a while and we went to our stand.

"Today's first game is gonna be one to remember! A free for all battle!" Mato cheered.

"I'm going." Shadow told me. "I know what you're planning Lu. Be careful." I nodded at her and she jumped down.

Sabertooth knew we had to win this.

Because Fairy Tail

Didn't deserve to.

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