Chapter 2

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After I accepted, Loke and Capricorn walked over as my other spirits disappeared.

"Lady Lucy, myself and Leo will be training you how to access your star dress, using this celestial spell you can merge a spirits magic with your own and use it with your own free will." I nodded at my friend and spirit. "Before we attempt the spell we must increase your stamina and your magic power, for today we shall be meditating that should increase your magic power, Leo will be attempting the Star Dress with you, later.

"Let's do this then guys, I have complete faith in you to train me." Loke smiled at me and Capricorn sat down. I took a seat next to the spirit and closed my eyes.

"Now miss Lucy, take some deep breaths, look into the core of your magic and almost reach out to grab it, let it consume you." This wasn't the first time that me and Capricorn had meditated so I followed his instructions and soon after I was covered in a golden glow. I focused on my magic, feeling it expand within me before I opened my eyes and I saw Loke standing with Capricorn, grinning.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked.

"Not at all, my love. We've been waiting for you to finish meditating, you've been at it for almost 2 hours now." 2 hours?! I suppose I do feel more powerful already.

"Okay. What's next?" I asked.

"Next we'll be working on your Star dress; Leo form. Hence why Leo is here." Capricorn explained. I nodded and got up off the floor.

"What do I need to do?" I asked confidently.

"Your contract with a spirit isn't just a verbal contract it is also a mental and physical contract that is why we can feel when you're in trouble." Loke explained smiling at me.

"With that being said, to access the star dress you must have a powerful bond with your spirit, that should be no problem for you Lady Lucy. Feel Leo's energy, step into Leo's gate and that is how you achieve a star dress." Capricorn explained, I nodded and closed my eyes to concentrate on Loke's energy as I focused on his energy I saw a gate open in my mind, I mentally stepped through it.

"Star Dress! Leo!" I shouted. I opened my eyes and I was standing in an elegant black dress with my hair up in a bun and the Leo star symbol just above my breasts

"As I predicted, you look beautiful in my star dress, princess." Loke grinned and Capricorn nodded. "Now I'll be teaching you my spells. The first one is Lion's brilliance, now keep in mind that I'm a melee spirit. Focus the light into your fist and let it jump out at your opponent." I did as Loke told me and a light as big as a firefly popped out of my fist. "That's a a good sign, it takes time to expand your magic. Luckily the energy from the Celestial world will speed it up, on average you should spend a day training with each of us. Now try again." I tried again and the light got bigger until I felt confident.

"Lion's brilliance!" A ray of light erupted from my fist and both my spirits looked on proudly.

"Excellent!" The rest of my training went pretty fast I learnt the rest of Loke's spells including some secret ones no one knew about. Afterwards I fell asleep and waited for the next day.

Timeskip 2 and a half years later

"Princess, your training is complete now, punishment?" Virgo bowed, I smiled affectionately at my faithful spirit and friend.

"No Virgo, you're my friend I won't ever hurt you" she nodded and we walked to the King's court together. When we were there I knocked on the court's doors.

"Enter!" I heard a voice boom, I entered the room as Virgo stayed outside claiming that there was something the king was to ask me privately.

"Mustache man? Virgo said you wanted to see me." He nodded and stood tall.

"My old friend, you have finished your training with star dresses, however you have yet to learn mine and the Celestial Warrior's" he explained.

"Wait? Yours? Warrior? I don't understand"

"You, Lucy Heartfilia, are the Celestial Warrior. A warrior who was hurt by family but saved by family. Fairy Tail hurt you, however your spirits and I consider you family in our own right. We have decided to bless you with the title of Celestial Warrior and wish to teach you the spells that are included." I nodded.

"What do I have to do?" I asked

"First is my Star dress. With this you have access to my sword as well as control of the stars and Zodiac, we ask you not to abuse this power, though we doubt you will."

"Never, spirits are people too, I would never hurt them."

"And that is why we chose you. Now, try to equip my dress." I nodded and stepped through the King's gate.

"Star Dress: Celestial King Form!" I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a blue coat with armour up my arms and a green dress like item and my hair in a high pony tail.

"Star Dress: Celestial King Form!" I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a blue coat with armour up my arms and a green dress like item and my hair in a high pony tail

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Without even thinking I then chanted my next spell. "Equip! Star Ruler!" I held my hand out and appeared was a replica of the Celestial King's sword.

"Use these with caution old friend, I have given you part of my power so that you will always be related to the spirits and once you pass, you will join us here as Andromeda, Princess of the stars." I felt tears forming in my eyes and hugged him.

"Thank you...father." I sobbed as he held me.

"Always, my daughter." After I stopped crying, I learnt the rest of King's spells.

"Now rest daughter, tomorrow you learn the Celestial Warriors takeover, it will be your last day in the spirit world for now however you can always visit us with this key." He handed me a crystal key with a purple end. "This is a portal key, all you have to do is say 'Open Gate To, and then wherever you wish to go, in our case you have to say 'Open, Gate to the Celestial World' and it will take you here." I nodded and placed it on my keychain as me and my spiri- no, my family talked until we fell asleep.

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