Chapter 29

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"Why of all places is this key in the middle of a jungle?!" Sting moaned to me.

"Well it's not meant to be easy Bee." I giggled quietly as he pulled me along with him, although I had to agree with him, it was so humid I felt like I was going to pass out any moment now.

"Rogue looks a lot better now that Lucy remembers him." Sting pointed out.

"Well, if I'd forgotten everything about you wouldn't you be just as distraught?" I asked him. "It's different for Lucy not being a dragon slayer, our emotions when it comes to our mates is 5 times stronger than what regular mages feel." Sting nodded as he continued to pull me along, trying to find the key as quickly as possible.

"Yeah, you're right. I don't know what I'd do if I forgot about you or if you forgot about me, at least everything is all sorted out right now." He sighed.

"Let's just hope we all make it through this war." I squeezed his hand tightly and smiled at him. He nodded at me and then stopped. He sniffed the air a few times.

"Do you smell that?" He asked, I inhaled the air taking in the different scents until something hit me.

"It smells of pure evil." I scrunched my nose up trying to forget the awful smell as I felt the air shift. I felt an attack coming our way so I pushed Sting out the way and grabbed the fist that came out of nowhere, aiming for my face. I came face to face with a woman with an evil snark across her face, green hair and very very sharp claws.

 I came face to face with a woman with an evil snark across her face, green hair and very very sharp claws

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"Looks like the toys master Zeref promised me have come to play." She purred.

"We aren't toys." I responded nastily, breathing in her sins around me, and she had a lot. "Purgatory dragon ROAR." I chanted as the beam of purple light exited from my mouth and hit her straight on, she grinned but other than that she didn't even have a scratch.

"My turn! Finally some fun!" Sting bounced happily as he drew his magic in for his attack. "White Dragon Claw!" He yelled as he swiped at the mysterious woman. She disappeared from infront of us and appeared behind Sting. How fast is she?

"Enhancement." She chanted as stings body glowed green. She kicked him in the back and I watched as Sting screamed in pain. I ran over to him to help me up as the woman walked closer.

"You have no chance of destroying me. My name is Kyôka, I'm one of the nine demon gates of Tartaros, my master, Zeref has told me to destroy the key of Hephaestus and kill those who come for it." My eyes narrowed as I glared at her. Sting let out a groan and my fist clenched next to my body. I stood up and in front of her.

"Oh yeah? Well my name is Shadow Horiyuka, I'm the daughter of your masters biggest fear. Acnologia. I'll beat you before you beat us." I growled out. "Purgatory dragon's Fiery Claw." My hands filled with a purple like fire and I lunges for her, swiping multiple times as she dodged every single one of them. On the last attack she grabbed my wrist and threw me into a tree. I grunted in pain and fell to the floor.

Through my pain filled eyes I saw Sting stumble over and punch her in the stomach and attack a stigma to her so she couldn't move.

"Shadow! Run! Get the key!" He growled out as he prepared for his secret art.

"I'm not leaving you here!" I cried out as I managed to pull myself up to stand.

"Shadow if Lucy doesn't get that key it's game over! Go! Get the key!" He yelled at me. "Dragon Slayer; Secret Art." I nodded putting all of my trust in Sting and as fast as I could started running to get to the temple. "HOLY NOVA." The bright light of his attack followed me as I burst through the trees to the bottom of the temple's stairs, I panted, trying to catch my breath as I looked up the stairs to see the entrance. I quickly started running up the stairs unsure if Sting could beat the demon we had encountered.

As I reached the top I saw a pedestal with the missing God Key on top of it, underneath was a plaque that read:

Be warned, only those with a pure heart can wield the key of Hephaestus.

I picked the key up and placed it into the tiny compartment of the space void that the Celestial Spirit King had gifted to me so that only Lucy could get the key if we failed. I turned around to leave the temple and help Sting when his unconscious body was thrown past me and the demon appeared with an evil smirk. My fists clenched as I looked at Sting's bruised body.

"Time for the other Dragon now." She stated as her claws grew longer, glinting in the sunlight, I growled at her as rage filled my body seeing my mate beaten and bruised, my sharp canines grinned against each other.

"Purgatory Dragon; Hell's Sins." My body glowed a dark purple for a few seconds as I felt my anger turn into power, I shifted my feet to centre my balance and gathered my magic power. "Purgatory Dragon's ROAR!" I screeched as the beam travelled faster and faster towards her.

"Enhancement." She grinned at me as she sliced through my roar with her claws, I snarled at her feeling my anger rise as she ran towards me with lightning speed and clawed my face, creating 3 large cuts down my right eye. I hissed at the pain and clenched my eye. It hurt so much! Why?!

"I see you've noticed that it hurts more than usual, silly dragon, my curse powers let me enhance pain, speed, strength...anything really." She laughed loudly at me as she kicked my back so I had collapsed on the floor. I kept my screams back to know that she hadn't won as I reached out for Sting. "Night night little Dragon." She sneered as I slowly lost consciousness.

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