Chapter 24

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Loke lead me to the throne room where Lucy's spirits and the King were waiting for me.

"Yes your majesty?" I asked.

"Rouge, we trust you with our princess however there are a few of us who have specific concerns to talk about with you." The king explained, Aquarius cut in.

"I'm first, listen here boy, hurting that blonde bimbo is MY job okay, so if you hurt her I'll make sure that you'll die of dehydration!" She hissed at me, I paled and nodded.

"Trust me Aquarius, I won't ever hurt her, that would be hurting myself." I vowed to her, she tutted and walked away, Loke, Capricorn and Scorpio stepped forward.

"Lucy needs protecting, even though she's strong you know." Loke started.

"We trust you'll do everything to protect Lady Lucy." Capricorn stated.

"If you ever abandon her, you'll feel our wrath." Scorpio finished.

"I promise you all, I will protect her with my life." I promised them. Aries, Gemini and the God Ares stepped up to me.

"Miss Lucy saves us from our past owners, she loves us more than anyone ever has, we relieve our old human lives through her, make sure she calls upon us." Aries stayed with no stutter and no apology.

"Piri Piri! Even though we love to tease Lucy, she means everything to every one of us!" Gemini chimed in.

"I'll crush you if you hurt the Princess." Ares growled at me. I nodded at them all.

"Rogue, my son." I looked up to the king who passed me a golden star earring like Stings and a ring with an opal shaped gem except it looked like the stars were strapped inside. "This is the royal mark of the Celestial world, you'll notice Lucy has a necklace that matches this, as does Shadow being my second adoptive daughter. This belongs to you. I hope that you will propose to Lucy one day." I blushed a bright red but nodded, knowing one day I wanted Lucy to be my wife.

"ROGUE!" I heard Minerva shout as she burst through the door. "Shadow and Lucy collapsed!" With that me and Loke bolted towards her room, bursting in to see both of them on Lucy's bed with Sting next to them.

"They're fine, Lucy is remembering something and I'm guessing it affected Shadow because of their bond. Minerva, I'm afraid it's time to leave, Sting will have to stay if Shadow has collapsed as well." Loke sighed at the end and Aries wrapped her arms around his waist blushing.

"S-Sorry Leo...but Miss Lucy and Miss Shadow will be okay. They always are." She comforted him, he nodded and wrapped an arm around her as well, blushing slightly. Minerva nodded and sighed as she took Loke's hand and they disappeared.

"Rogue." The king spoke. I looked up at him. "Spend some time alone with Lucy. She will remember you in due time, my son."


Why...why is there a massive part of my soul feel like it's missing? Like...I've forgotten head hurts so much.

"Ugh." I groaned as I sat up rubbing my aching head. "Shadow?" I muttered, feeling her next to me.

"Shut up Lu, my head hurts." She mumbled back as she turned over.

"What happened?" I asked. "Where's Minerva? And Sting?" With that Shadow bolted up, hand on her neck feeling her scales.

"He's okay, but I don't know where Minerva is." I nodded at her answer and got out of the bed and stretched. I heard a knock on the door and I walked over and opened it to see Sting and Rogue.

"Oh hey guys." I smiled as they walked in. "Where's MinMin?" I asked.

"MinMin? Does that mean you remember her?" Sting asked, I nodded a huge smile on my face.

"Yep, you and her Sting." Next thing I know I was engulfed into a hug.

"Thank the dragons." He muttered as he let me go. I looked over a Rogue sadly.

"Sorry Rogue, I still don't remember you." He smiled weakly at me.

"It's okay, it'll come back." I nodded in agreement. "Actually, today, me and you are going to spend some time together." He smiled at me genuinely and held his hand out. "M'lady." I took his hand without a second thought and he dragged me out the door.

"What about Sting and Shadow?" I asked

"They'll bed prepping for the new guests while we have fun!" He explained as we briskly walked down the halls.

"Where are we going?"

"You lived here for a while, shouldn't you know." He smiled warmly at me at his joke and I blushed slightly. In that moment he seemed so happy and care free, it was honestly beautiful.

"U-Um" I stuttered as I got lost in his beautiful red eyes and my neck flared up with a sharp pain.

"It's okay, we're already here. I asked the King if I could use this room. He opened the door and I looked inside to see the Celestial Viewer's room.

"Why here?" I asked him

"Well, you told me about this place."


"The first night of the GMG, you told me this was your favourite place in the Celestial World and you would use it to watch your friends in Earthland." He was right. I used to watch Levy, Wendy, Gajeel, Master and all my real friends when I had free times. "Come with me." He ushered me inside where I saw a blanket and food from my spirits, I sat on the blanket and he joined me "Bless thy stars and show me MINERVA ORLANDO" the image changed to show MinMin in Sabertooth.

"Calm down everyone she's fine!" Minerva's choice echoed, I saw her hand sneak behind her and Rufus held it giving her support.

"And Shadow?!" I recognised Twilight's exceed form from my memories as she looked worried. Minerva nodded.

"Next guest will be picked up soon, Loke said it was you Twilight."

"Only me?!" Minerva nodded.

"It's almost over...I know it is." Minerva sighed in relief as the image disappeared.

"They really care about me..." I whispered as I looked up to the ceiling as the image faded away, Rogues hand covered my own.

"They do. We all do, Lucy."

"Rogue. Everyone has been avoiding my question, will you please tell me...who are you to me exactly? This almost seems like a date to me." I expressed.

"Lucy...I..." He winced as my neck held a sharp pain, both our hands went to our necks and I remembered what Shadow said about her and Sting being mates. White and Purple...Gold and black...

"Rogue? Am I your mate?"

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