Chapter 8

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I woke up the next day in the bare Sabertooth dorm room I yawned and stretched before heading to the bathroom and taking a bath. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my keys.

"Open! Gate of the maiden! Virgo!" I changed as the pink haired maid appeared before me.

"Punishment, Princess?" She asked, I grinned and shook my head at her.

"No Virgo I was wondering if you could bring my stuff from the celestial world now that I've found a new place, oh and some clothes please." I asked she nodded and disappeared back before re appearing before me with celestial clothes.

"Princess, please take these and get dressed as me and brother sort your possessions out we shall me done by the time you are dressed." I nodded trusting them and went back into the bathroom so Loke couldn't be all pervy today.

I got dressed into the Celestial clothes and called Cancer out to do my hair, I looked in the mirror and smiled at my outfit and hair before thanking Cancer as he left.

I got dressed into the Celestial clothes and called Cancer out to do my hair, I looked in the mirror and smiled at my outfit and hair before thanking Cancer as he left

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As I walked back into the apartment I saw my desk with my mothers letters and all of my books and possessions, Virgo and Loke stood there and smiled at me.

"Thanks guys this is better than I could have imagined." I smiled as I looked up at the ceiling and saw the constellations painted across it.

"Anything for you Princess." Loke kissed my hand as I laughed.

"You guys should go now, I'll call you if I need anything." They nodded and went back to the Celestial world as I heard a knock on my door.

"LuLu! Did you forget we're going on a job?!" I heard Minerva shout, I opened the door and saw Shadow and Minerva there.

"I didn't forget no I just had to set my stuff up." I explained laughing as they peered into my room.

"It's so you LuLu!" Minerva squealed as Shadow nodded, I saw that in her arms was a little exceed who was looking around. She was pure white with bright purple eyes.

"Well I'm assuming you're twilight" I said as I smiled to the cat, she nodded softly and flew over to me.

"You're Lucy Heartfilia correct?" She asked. I nodded. "Well, it's nice to meet you, thank you for being friends with Shadow I was starting to give up hope." Shadow glared at the exceed who just laughed in return. I shook my head and closes the door behind me as we walked to the guild.

Shadow, Minerva, Twilight and myself lost ourselves into our conversation as we walked over to the board and I bumped into someone's back, I looked up and saw Rouge's red eyes looking down at me as I blushed a bright red.

"Ah! I'm sorry Rouge! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I bowed down apologetically, I looked up and he gave me a soft smile.

Huh, he looks really cute when he smiles. I blushed even brighter

"It's fine don't worry about it." He said as he walked away with Frosch.

"Did Rogue just..." Shadow looked at Minvera.

"Smile at LuLu?" Minerva finished "I saw it, I still don't believe it." Meanwhile I stood in the exact same spot still blushing.

He looked so cute...No! Lucy you can't do this to yourself again.

"C'mon guys let's get a job." I said shaking my head, I walked up to the board and looked through the jobs.

"What about this one?" Minerva asked.


A dark guild is terrorising our village please help us!

Reward: 3,000,000

"A Mill each?! Yes please!" Shadow exclaimed with a dreamy look on her face.

"Let's go then guys!" We took the flyer and got it logged by Yukino and walked out the door as we walked out I turned my head slightly and saw Rogue staring at me, my face flushed up again and I shook my head catching up with my friends as we headed to the train station.

Don't be stupid Lucy, it'll just be another Natsu again.

I sighed quietly so that no one heard by Twilight was staring at me, eventually Minerva and Shadow fell asleep.

"You know that no one in the guild will ever do what they did to you right?" Twilight asked. I blinked at her.

"How do you-"

"Know what happened at Fairy Tail? I believe there is an exceed there that can also see the future correct?" Now that I think about it Carla and Twilight look almost exactly the same maybe they're sisters?

"Yeah there is..."

"That is exactly how I know, it's also how I knew your name." She smiled softly which then fell.

"I saw your future a few years ago, I saw what Fairy Tail did, that Sabertooth took you in, I've also seen that your future has a darkness to it, someone will come for you Lucy Heartfilia, that is why the Celestial Spirit king is showing you to the God Keys, you will need them for this foe." I nodded at her. "Sabertooth will not leave you during this Lucy, we think of you as Family now, all I can tell you is that you have a year until your foe comes." Twilight sighed. "I hate this power being the barer of bad news." I shook my head.

"No, thank you, you gave me the best news you could." I'm not alone anymore.

Attention, we are now arriving at Fauna Village, please collect your belongings and exit the train if this is your stop.

I woke the girls up and we got off of the train and split off to get different jobs done.

Minerva - Find a place to eat
Shadow and Twilight - Find an Inn
Lucy - Go the mayor.

I knocked on the door to the mayors house and the door opened? I was lead to the mayor as was given a run down on the dark guild we'd be facing, after getting the information I needed I left to find the others.

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