Chapter 15

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"Listen up everyone!" A voice boomed from the balcony on the second floor. "It's GMG Time!" Minerva revealed herself, grinning to us all. "The following people are our brand new best of the best fighters, our new GMG team will consist of,


"Of course." He grinned.

"You're the best Sting!" Lector's cheered for his best friend.

"Rouge." Rouge just nodded

"Fro thinks Rouge is the best!" His cute little exceed, Frosch, cheered.


"I won't disappoint, milady." He bowed.


"Me?!" She asked shocked, I put my hand on her shoulder and grinned.

"Of course, you're one of the strongest." I told her sincerely.

"And Lucy." I looked up at Minerva shocked.

"But..." I started.

"No buts, it's the final decision." Minerva grinned at me. "Besides, fairy tail will be there." My keys glowed in anger as I put my hand over them and nodded.

"Then I'll give everything I've got." She nodded back at me.

"The reserves this year will be Yukino and Orga." Minerva announced. "You all have 3 months to train! That's all!" She shouted as she walked away back into her office, I looked at Shadow and grinned as I ran over to her.

"Hey Shadow! Do you want to come on a journey in the 3 months with me?" I asked her.

"Sure sounds great! What's the plan?" She responded picking twilight up and carrying her in her arms back to our dorm room, we bid goodbye to our guild mates and left for 3 months.

"Well, I need to find some new keys and I was hoping you'd come with, we can spar and get stronger together." I explained, she grinned at me and nodded.

"So lets do it." She cheered as she started packing.


Three months later - due to lazy writing and not wanting the viewers to know what keys Lucy got.


"Shadow what inn are we at?"

"I dunno, why are you asking me?"

"You two act like sisters all the time now, it's annoying."


"TWILIGHT! THAT HURT!" Me and Shadow cursed as we rubbed our heads.

"Stop arguing and lets find Sting. Shadow you're a dragon slayer you have super smell." Twilight laughed as Shadow blushed and nodded, sniffing the air and grabbing mine and twilights wrist, running as fast as she could to the Inn. She burst through the doors.

"WE'RE BACK!" Shadow yelled happily.

"Hey look! They're back!" Everyone cheered with alcohol pouring out of their mugs.

"So what have you guys been up to?" Asked Sting, curiously.

"Ah, just travelling to a few places trying to find some things." I grinned at him.

"You'll find out tomorrow how powerful we've gotten." Shadow explained as she took my hand and took us to our room. We spoke to Minerva about our adventures once we met up, we wouldn't leave her out of everything that happened.

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