Chapter 23

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I hope Shadow's okay, it's only been a day but I'm already missing her. I clutched my heart as I felt someone pat my shoulder.

"It'll be okay Sting." Minerva said comfortingly, I nodded.

"You're right M'lady. Lucy is strong enough to beat this. Especially with Shadow and Rogue with her." She grinned and nodded at my statement as bright gold flash appeared and I closed my eyes to avoid the brightness.

"The Princess is ready for her first guests." I heard Loke's voice as I opened my eyes, he was standing there bags under his eyes but his usual suit and glasses in place.

"Loke, can you give us an update?" Minerva asked him, he nodded and sighed.

"So far the Princess has awoken and remembers what Fairy Tail did to her and her time in the Spirit world when she awoke she didn't remember her time at Sabertooth at all. Currently the Princess is having another memory relapse, this time of Shadow."

"That means she'll remember Sabertooth?" I asked him concerned. Lucy was family now.

"Yes and No. she'll remember joining because she'll regain meeting Shadow and working with her, they'll be blank spots where you guys are meant to be in those memories. It's up to us to fill them in." He explained.

"Well. Let's do it! For Lucy!" Rufus cheered as he held Minerva's hand who blushed and nodded, cheering with him. Soon all of Sabertooth we're fired up.

"So who's first!" I asked Loke.

"First people to help are you and Minerva, Sting." Minerva cheered as she realised she would get to see her fellow team member again and hopefully restore her memories. "Minerva I must warn you the last memory she has of you was the Naval battle..." Loke explain.

"Oh..." Minerva sighed, dejectedly.

"It's okay M'lady. She'll remember you, I'm sure of it." I told her, she nodded and we grabbed the Celestial clothes from Loke and quickly changed. He poofed is back into the Spirit world where Virgo and Loke's sister, Loni, was waiting.

"Big brother, welcome back." Virgo said in her usual dull tone.

"Brother, Apollo was right, Lucy remembered Shadow." Loke sighed in relief.

"Thank the stars, that means she remembers Sabertooth as well...where is she?" He asked.

"I'm right here Loke." Lucy called out as she walked in, arms linked with Shadow's and Rogue on her side. "Sting, Minerva. Are you the guests?" She asked concerned, looking at Shadow.

"It's okay Sis, Minerva loves you and so does Sting, they won't hurt you." Lucy nodded at Shadow and walked over to Minerva and hugged her.

"I hope I remember you." Minerva sobbed and wrapped her arms around Lucy.

"I hope so too Lu, so let's spend time together." Minerva told her, patting her hair. Lucy grinned and nodded and I locked eyes with Shadow and ran to her, lifting her in my arms and kissing her.

"I missed you." I whispered to her.

"I missed you too Holy boy." She giggled and kissed my cheek, wrapping her arms around me for a hug.

"Rouge, the king wants to talk to you quickly." Loke announced. Rouge nodded and they went to down another corridor as we walked away to a bedroom.

"This is...was, my bedroom when I was at the Celestial World." Lucy explained, you could see her love for this place and I knew that I would help her defend her home. "So MinMin, can I call you that?" Lucy asked

"O-of course LuLu!" Minerva stuttered remembering her nickname.

"Tell me about you, that's what Shadow did to re jog my memories.

"Well you and Shadow came back from your first job and asked to be a team with Twilight, Shadow's exceed."

"I remember a little about Twilight but only the parts with Shadow talking to her." Lu explained, Minerva nodded and continued.

"Well you came to ask me to create a team as I took over from Sting so he could participate in the GMG's. I retired because I couldn't face it again after doing what I did to you. I asked to join, to gain your trust. We became best friends, team Celestial Purgatory. We could wipe dark guilds out. We took a break during the GMG training months where you and Shadow went and trained." Lucy tightened her grip on Minerva's hand that she had held mid explanation and nodded.

"I know it'll come to me soon. Don't worry." Lucy vowed. Minerva wipes a tear from her eye and nodded at Lucy.

"I know you will, Lu."

"Sting. Tell me about you." Lucy asked.

"Well, the second time we met was after you were done training here in the Celestial World, you had gone to Fairy Tail and beat Lisanna and Natsu then appeared at our guild doors asking to be apart of our guild, me and Rogue challenged you to a fight to find out what magic you were hiding and you beat us, 2 on 1, excluding your spirits, we were amazed so of course we let you in, we loved you like family, we bonded more at the current GMG when Shadow and I fell in loved and mated together. As Dragon slayers we have a mate like the dragons that raised us, Me, Shadow and Rogue have found our mates."

"So you and Shadow are mated...but who is Rogue mated too." I looked away and felt a sting in my heart. Pain for my brother, who's mate had forgotten him.

"You'll find out eventually." Shadow stepped in and explained, holding my hand in her own feeling the shared pain we felt for our respective siblings. Lucy's eyes locked into the shared scales on our necks that shone white and purple and he hand raised up to her own neck where her gold and black scales lay. She started to scream as they shone bright and she fell backwards into Minerva's arms who lay her on the bed besides us. Shadow squeezed my hand.

"I think this is good." She spoke. "I can feel it, she's remembering." Shadow stared at Lucy until soon she fell into my arms gasping and grabbing a hold of her head. "Lucy..." she muttered as she fainted. I lay her next to Lucy and hold her hand.

"Minerva! Find Rouge and Loke! Or anyone!" I shouted to her as she bolted out the room.

Shadow...Lucy...please be okay.


Shadow and Sting heavily making out on her bed at the GMG.

"Lucy." He looked at me and learnt on the balcony post closer to ours. "*Blank* is in love with you"


You are his *BLANK*" He explained, and then blushed. " Shadow's mine."

Sting...Minerva...I remember you. But who is this person Sting is talking about.

Memories flashed through my head, him biting my neck as we kissed passionately, teasingly I bit him and it lead to more. Love. Think Lucy, think! Why can't you see his face, why can't you remember who he is!

"I love you, Lucy."

I love you too...whoever you are...

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