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simonlewis named the group chat geeses

claryfairchild: listen,

claryfairchild: that wasn't my finest moment

aleclightwood: why am i here 

izzylightwood: ,, geeses

simonlewis: clary saw some geese

simonlewis: and yelled

simonlewis: LOOK

simonlewis: GEESES

claryfairchild: i am sick of the disrespect

jacelightwood added magnusbane to the conversation

aleclightwood: ,, oh no

izzlightwood: OH YES

magnusbane: well hello

aleclightwood: i gotta

aleclightwood left the conversation

jacelightwood: he jUST CAME INTO MY ROOM 

jacelightwood: IF I DIE AVENGE ME

izzylightwood: jace is screaming

jacelightwood: im not ded

simonlewis: unfortunately

jacelightwood: fuck off

claryfairchild added aleclightwood to the conversation

aleclightwood: (ง'̀-'́)ง

izzylightwood: tf is that

aleclightwood: its me

magnusbane: so its adorable?

aleclightwood: ,,,

jacelightwood: i just heard a loud noise and now its silent

simonlewis: alec ??

simonlewis: are you ok

aleclightwood: am i okay? no. am i crying? maybe. hotel? trivago.

magnusbane: im just enjoying all of this

izzylightwood: alec talk to ur boyfriend

aleclightwood: HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND

magnusbane: i could be

aleclightwood: I JUST CHOKED

simonlewis: i ship it

( a/n "im sick of the disrespect is an irl quote )

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