aleclightwood has left the conversation
jacelightwood: simon what did u do now
simonlewis: i didnt even do anything this time
magnusbane: that was me
izzylightwood: technically it was me
magnusbane: yes, thank you for that, dear.
claryfairchild: ??
magnusbane: so, you know how alec and i have been,,, whatever this is for a while now?
jacelightwood: yes ?
claryfairchild: mhm
magnusbane: well, i wanted to make it official and ask him to be my boyfriend.
izzylightwood: its about damn time
simonlewis: you haven't made it official yet ?
magnusbane: i didn't want to scare him away
claryfairchild: makes sense
jacelightwood: so why are you telling us this
magnusbane: you're his family and i thought you would want to know?
jacelightwood: fair enough
magnusbane: alright, i'm going to add him back. talk a little so we don't raise any suspicion.
izzylightwood: he's in the shower we have a while before he's back
magnusbane added aleclightwood to the conversation
jacelightwood: are you coming over now
magnusbane: yes
izzylightwood: he should be out by the time you get here
jacelightwood: if he isnt he will once he knows you're here
jacelightwood: ive seen him try to get out of the shower so fast he fell
jacelightwood: and the best part is he tried to grab the water
jacelightwood: i laughed so hard im pretty sure i pulled something
izzylightwood: shit he's getting out
claryfairchild: wow how about the goblet of fire ????
simonlewis: i love how they said dumbledore asked calmly
simonlewis: in the movie he fucking YELLED
claryfairchild: dumbledore: *shoving people into tables*
claryfairchild: dumbledore: haRRY DId YoU pUT YOUR naME IN THe gOBLEt oF FIYAH ?????
jacelightwood: he definitely wont read past this
magnusbane: wow what does he have against harry potter?
claryfairchild: he finds it unrealistic
izzylightwood: oh yeah i can't imagine what would be unrealistic about WIZARDS
aleclightwood: are u talkin shit
simonlewis: alec !!
aleclightwood: ugh
simonlewis: wow,,,
jacelightwood: alec u have a visitor
aleclightwood: hhhh
izzylightwood: im in the kitchen ill give u a play by play
claryfairchild: amazing
izzylightwood: ok alec just came out
simonlewis: he's been out
jacelightwood: simon
simonlewis: sorry
izzylightwood: magnus is asking him now wow straight to the point
claryfairchild: smh no foreplay at all
izzylightwood: ALEC IS CHOKING
jacelightwood: jfc
izzylightwood: ok he's recovered
izzylightwood: he said yes !!
claryfairchild: !!!
simonlewis: OH
izzylightwood: image attached
claryfairchild: !!!!!!
izzylightwood: ok alec looks like he's gonna pass the fuck out
simonlewis: if he dies what's gonna be on his tombstone
jacelightwood: cause of death: kissing magnus bane
aleclightwood: STOP MAKING FUN OF ME
izzylightwood: HI BIG BROTHER
magnusbane: i'm just going to save that picture
aleclightwood: why did u take a pic
izzylightwood: clary wanted to see
aleclightwood: that's weird ????
claryfairchild: yo i couldn't miss my otp having their first kiss
aleclightwood: what the fuck is an otp
simonlewis: one true pairing
aleclightwood: ?????
magnusbane: they like us together, dear.
aleclightwood: you're all weird and creepy and obsessed with my love life
jacelightwood: this is your first relationship of course we're gonna be obsessed with it
aleclightwood: jace
magnusbane: first, huh?
aleclightwood: ,,
aleclightwood: is that weird
magnusbane: i think it's sweet.
izzylightwood: AW
magnusbane: i'm also hoping to be your last.
izzylightwood: aaand alec's choking again
simonlewis: how is he ever gonna survive this relationship
aleclightwood: i wont
( a/n the dumbledore joke and alec grabbing the water to attempt to save himself from falling are both things ive done irl )
geeses » malec
Fanfictiona gc is made and its a mess this is lowkey based off of my gcs and just me as a person so ill put irl quotes at the end [ from my ao3 acc @/garroways ]