melanin deficient

203 14 8

magnusbane: guys i need help

jacelightwood: what did alec do now

aleclightwood: i did nothing fuck off

magnusbane: he's been watching glee for the past two days

magnusbane: he hasn't slept

simonlewis: ok glee is amazing

claryfairchild: it really is

aleclightwood: i think we can all agree that klaine and brittana are 100% the best couples on the show

simonlewis: oh definitely

claryfairchild: 100%

izzylightwood: no doubt

jacelightwood: they are trust me im a doctor 

magnusbane: he hasn't stopped talking about mike, puck and blaine

magnusbane: im about to kick him out

aleclightwood: i'd fuck puck

simonlewis: haha that rhymed

magnusbane: excuse me

aleclightwood: i mean

aleclightwood: what

aleclightwood: he turned off his wifi im gonna commit

claryfairchild: that sounds like a yp your problem not a mp my problem

aleclightwood: i hope you choke

maiaroberts: magnus why would u do that we were watching the ep together and beating a record you ruined it

magnusbane: i'm sorry, did i give you the impression that i cared?

simonlewis: OHDODN

izzylightwood: snatched

claryfairchild: he took her wig and put it on himself

maiaroberts: wow im not a marshmallow magnus i am not here to be roasted

magnusbane: you got my boyfriend into glee and now he wont SLEEP


magnusbane: the show is over alexander why are you in a rush it isnt like there's going to be more episodes

aleclightwood: wow,,

aleclightwood: i am sick of this disrespect

magnusbane: you kept me up for two days because you were yelling about it

magnusbane: you don't know disrespect

aleclightwood: i wasn't even yelling you're just a light sleeper

magnusbane: you were yelling "LOOK AT HIM" while clapping 

aleclightwood: its for emphasis

aleclightwood: i needed to be very clear about my love for mike chang

magnusbane: why do you love him so much he is barely in the show

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