sorry, who are you again?

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aleclightwood removed simonlewis from the conversation

jacelightwood: what did he do now

aleclightwood: nothing,, his presence just irritates me

jacelightwood: are you ever gonna stop insulting my boyfriend

aleclightwood: are you ever gonna stop walking into my boyfriend's house without knocking

izzylightwood: are you ever gonna actually move out and into magnus' since you're there all the time anyway

claryfairchild: literally you havent slept here in weeks

aleclightwood: i slept there on tuesday

jacelightwood: thats bc magnus kicked you out bc he was sick of you being up all night

aleclightwood: he let me back in the next morning

magnusbane: because you sat outside my door for three hours

aleclightwood: i missed you

lydiabranwell: i just realized how dead i am in this gc haha oops

maiaroberts: wow disgrace

lydiabranwell: fuck off i have work

lydiabranwell: someone has to support us when you're skyping alec for two days straight

aleclightwood: what we dont skype for two days straight 

jacelightwood: alec dont

aleclightwood: we skype for two days gay

jacelightwood: dammit

aleclightwood: magnus just shoved me off of him my pun got my cuddle privilege revoked

izzylightwood: instant karma

aleclightwood: HAHA I GOT IT BACK

magnusbane: only so you'd stop looking at me like a kicked puppy

claryfairchild: why are you the bottom and the little spoon you're huge shouldn't you be a top

aleclightwood: that is an offensive stereotype and i will not stand for it

jacelightwood: whether you're a top or bottom depends more on preference

aleclightwood: and i prefer to have magnus on top of me

izzylightwood: okay that's enough information for me thank you

magnusbane: alec keeps putting his cold hands under my shirt i am about to cut them off

aleclightwood: im warming them up

maiaroberts: if u cut off his hands he cant finger u anymore

jacelightwood: stop bringing that up

aleclightwood: oh yeah magnus you like that i guess its more your loss than mine

magnusbane: you make a convincing argument

magnusbane: but i might need more

aleclightwood: i can show you how useful my hands are

claryfairchild: jesus christ

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