Chapter One

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"I think you're lost, sweetheart," An amused voice came from behind Iris Henson, stopping her in her tracks for a second.

Her eyes flickered on the platinum name board on the rich, mahogany door. Ares Visco. Her hand in the doorknob, she said, "Not this time."


She didn't wait for his response and turned the doorknob open, pushing her way through gently. Just as she stepped in, someone clad in a black hoodie with its hood pulled over his head almost bumped past her. His head turned in her direction, giving her a glimpse of piercing gray eyes, "You lost?"

It wasn't directed as a legitimate question. He was gone before Iris could even blink. She turned her attention to the only other person in the room with her.

Ares Visco. He was a lot younger than she thought. Early twenties, she guessed. The raven-black hair that was strongly dominant in all Visco bloodlines was clear as day. He had an unfriendly face, made more distinct by the sharp angles of his face. Or maybe he just wasn't too fond of smiling. He was already watching her with mild disinterest, "The try-outs for the chess team is happening on Building E. You should run for it if you want to catch them. There's the volleyball team, too, I think—"

She ignored what was said and stepped closer, "I want to join Visco's World."

His face didn't betray any hint of emotion. He leaned back in his chair and directed his full attention on her, his eyes going over her whole body mechanically. Finally he said, "So you're not as lost as I thought you'd be."

Ares beckoned her to sit opposite him and pushed a single sheet of paper towards her. He didn't take his hand off of it and said, "Are you sure about this?"

Iris nodded. He took his hands off and began to explain, "Basically this is a letter stating that you fully acknowledge the danger and risks that you're so willing to join. If, say, you die, this school won't be held accountable for it. Also, everything regarding this will be kept strictly confidential, but I'm sure you already know that. Understand?"

Well, that was quick, she thought. Not that she was complaining. It was actually better for her situation that he wasn't giving her a hard time. Her eyes skimmed the rest of the paper quickly and without any second thoughts, signed by the end. Before the pen dropped the paper was pulled away and carefully put in the drawer.

Ares stood from his seat, prompting Iris to do the same. He looked down at his watch, "You're just in time for the initiation and this makes you the 20th. Good. Follow me."

Iris followed him out of his office. The guy that was hanging around outside looked up from his phone at the sound of the door opening, his eyes eventually going wide at the sight of them. "Don't tell me she's joining?"

"She is," Ares answered, not stopping in his tracks.

The blonde was shocked, that much Iris could tell. He was left gaping by the door before he followed them in panic. "B-But she's a girl!"

She threw him a sidelong glance but didn't say anything. He said, "What are you giving me that look for? I'm only concerned for you!"

Oh. With a serious face, she said, "Thank you, but I'm fine."

But that didn't seem to ease his panic. In fact his green eyes widened even more. He left her side and hastened his steps, quickly catching up with the tall, dark-haired man ahead of them. He wasn't nearly as tall as Ares. He seemed wiry and fragile, hidden by the thick sweater he was wearing.

"Hey, Ares, maybe she mistook you for the Chess team moderator?"

"No," was the simple answer.

"T-Then is she going to be your secretary from now on?"

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