Chapter Eighteen

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a/n: sorry for the slow update! just had a lot of things going on around me. andddd finally, the vacation arc is coming to an end! you guys could tell i had too much fun with this arc right ;) thanks for reading!


Iris went to bed late but at first light she was up and out, heading straight for the shore and having a plan in her head to stay there. The turtle eggs would hatch today. She'd regret it all her life if she even missed one turtle burrowing out of the sand.

And it looked like she wasn't the only with the same plan.

"Over here!" Nico called, arms waving wildly and a smile that swallowed half his face.

Not surprisingly, Lowell was already there. He grinned up at her from where he sat. She tensed, not knowing how to act after last night's reveal about herself. "Never hurts to be early, doesn't it? Won't be long now."

But this was Lowell. He cut through tension like butter and it dissolved as if it wasn't there at all. "Shouldn't we wake the others up?" Iris asked tentatively.

He waved a hand dismissively, "Don't worry about 'em, I already told them about this happening. They'll show up soon enough."

"You shouldn't concern yourself over these guys, lady," Nico huffed. "They're old enough to know what's their priority and what isn't!"

Sometimes the words that come out of the kid's mouth sound too mature for his age. "You're right."

His smile widened. "Fufufu, of course!"

Iris sat down on the sand by Lowell's side, looking at the noticeable uneven patch of sand a few strides in front of them. Nico had lain on his stomach and was cooing over the nest, gently whispering words of encouragement. It was both amusing and endearing to watch.

"That kid's taken such a liking to you," Lowell said.

"I don't see why," She admitted.

"I think it all started when he saw you carrying Mark like a champ," He chuckled. "Probably more when he heard how you nonchalantly took his young master in your arms that night."

"So he likes strong people. We all are though."

"Hm, maybe not that then. Lemme guess, it's probably 'cause he can parade his 'wisdom' around you."

Iris spared him a confused glance to which he just laughed. "That right there. You're surprisingly innocent, Iris."

She scowled. "Don't say it like it's a good thing." She knew she hadn't gotten her fair share of normal childhood experiences and was severely lacking in terms of some social interactions. Axel had teased her about this side as well.

"But it is a good thing. At least I think it is."

"You're probably the only one who thinks that way."

He gave a smile that suggested he knew something she didn't and shrugged. They sat in comfortable silence for a while as they listened to Nico until he spoke again.

"Hey, Iris."


"I'd absolutely hate it if you didn't exist."

"Wha..." Iris trailed off at the sudden change in his tone. She turned to give his face a searching gaze but he was already looking at her. It must be the light from the newly-risen sun, but his green eyes had never looked this earnest before. There's always a hint of mirth dancing just behind his eyes that seeing its absence made her stare.

"Absolutely, truly hate it." Lowell repeated as if knowing how hard she was trying to comprehend his words, his gaze holding hers steadily. His familiar grin resurfaced and he looked back at the ocean. "After all, I don't think I'd ever find an excellent sparring partner like you ever."

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