Chapter Four

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It was still quite dark out when Iris went off for her morning run. Since it was weekdays, it was a run around the school's field. Soon the steady rhythm of her shoes hitting the ground became her music. The trail's still a hundred times better though. I hope the weekend comes sooner.

But Iris was taken out of concentration by the sound of running footsteps joining behind her a few minutes later. She turned her head to look, and found herself eye to eye with the green-eyed wolf boy she had beaten the other day. Lowell.

Now what? She snapped her head back in front and quickened her pace, enough to send out a clear message.

"You're fast, 32B," He huffed behind her. She could hear a grin in his voice.

If he calls me that again....

Iris heard him gaining on her, his breath coming in quick and fast. A few seconds later, he appeared out of the corner of her eye, could see his teeth flashing white. She increased her pace once more, and he slowly disappeared behind her.

She felt his surprise, alright. His breathing came louder, and he reappeared once again. This time with his mouth set in a determined line. Out of the corner of her eye she could see him throwing her sidelong glances, then he fell back once more from her peripheral.

"What the," He breathed out. "Hey, I wanna make a deal!"

A deal? As if that's the magic word, Iris' legs pumped harder than ever, leaving him to eat her dust.

Fortunately, he was smart enough to stop trying to pass her. Iris took off from the field and ran straight for their dorm, hearing Lowell shouting something behind her. She didn't stop to hear what it was, or cared to do so—she was just out.

When she made it back, she was just in time to catch some breakfast. Dom slightly frowned when he saw her, "You didn't catch my morning jam! It was Spice Girls!"

Iris waved a hand in apology, "You can always play it in the gym!"

"Not the same!"

Chief's eyes glittered when she came upon him, "Went for a run? That flush suits you well. Ah, I miss being young."

"It's never too late to get back into fitness," She seriously said, though already salivating at her plate. It was just so glorious she swore it was even sparkling.

"Ha! I'm glad you think so, but now I'd much rather sit in a couch, drink some beer, smoking good shit." He sighed dreamily. "Yeah, that's a good life. Good life."

Iris held back a smile at the vacant eyes that took hold of the big chef, and quickly went to find a seat. The one closest to Chief preferably, so it's faster to get her servings.

She dug in wholeheartedly. She was so busy stuffing her face with the second plate, she didn't realize Lowell had come in the room. Too late. He already spotted her and was already making a beeline for her table.

"Damn, you're a vacuum cleaner," He said, sounding impressed. She didn't give him a glance and only focused on finishing her food.

His own plate clattered on the table, and he dug in like a starved wolf in no time. Iris scowled at him while chewing, debating whether it's worth it to get her third plate or just leave. Meh, I don't care for him as much as I care for Chief's food. So she stood up and asked for another serving, which Chief gladly handed her.

Lowell's green eyes were full of grudging respect when her third plate hit the table, but fortunately didn't make another comment or she would have smashed his face on his own plate.

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