Chapter Twenty-Six

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a/n: an update!!! :o

and i just wanna share to all of you a little trivia, did you guys know that i wrote a version 1.0 of wild boys? it contains 23 chapters, and is a lot more lighthearted. but i didn't feel happy with it at the end so i ended up rewriting a version 2.0, which is what you're reading right now! but if you guys are curious about the first version, let me know. fufufu

EDIT: i've finally uploaded a few chapters of the 1.0 version. if you're curious, go ahead and read it!!! :)

enjoy reading! <3


"Hi dear, won't you even give us a hug?"

Irina Henson's melodic voice struck a chord within Iris' mind and all of a sudden, her body functioned automatically. She stood up and walked toward her waiting family. Her mother's arms were outstretched, and for a second Iris faltered and wondered what her mother was about to do. Irina smiled and reached out, enveloping her in a hug. Iris stood still, arms at her sides, her chin grazing her mother's silk blouse. Her trademark jasmine scent hit Iris' nose, bringing memories back that she preferred kept away.

"You've been a good girl, haven't you?" Her mother whispered.

The hug was brief yet it felt the contrary. She could feel her father's eyes staring her down, as always, and unlike Irina's love for pretenses, he didn't waste time engaging in meaningless familial gestures. He took her chin and lifted it. Iris kept her eyes down as he moved his wrist to inspect every angle of her face. Without a word, he let go.

Iris was about to walk toward Ian but her mother took her shoulders and guided her so they could face Avalon Visco together. It must have looked like a gentle guidance to onlookers, but the steel grip on her shoulders said otherwise. He had a satisfied smile on his face, as if proud of himself for gathering the dysfunctional family in his place. He hadn't moved from his seat and had just been watching them silently, like a hawk with its prey.

"Now have a seat, all of you! I took you by surprise, didn't I?" Avalon said to Iris, smile still in his face. "I've known how you always refused to take a plane ride home the last few years so you can keep improving your craft. I believe it's been two years, hasn't it?"

"Yes," She answered, not the least bit surprised he knew that. She itched to look at and talk to Ian, but she knew very well she's going to have repercussions if she did so. She would have to endure until this ends.

"Your daughter can be very dedicated with her goal, I rarely see that in her generation," Avalon spoke. "As I have previously discussed with you, she has been showing excellent performances from the first moment she stepped on the mat. I have never been disappointed."

"That's good to hear. It brings us pride knowing we've brought her up well," Irina said, gently chuckling.

Avalon nodded, gaze shifting to her father. "And I can clearly see why. You're a master at your craft, Amos. I can think of better alternatives as to where you could pour your work into. But that's for another discussion," He glanced at Iris. "I brought you here for your daughter."

"We are well aware," Amos spoke. His voice resembled that of Avalon in a sense that they both radiated of authority. Both men clearly had strong personalities, used to being in command. Iris faintly wondered how amusing it would be to see them have clashing opinions. "And we will be ever grateful for your patronage."

Patronage, is it? Iris thought, her gut going cold. Looks like there won't be any clashing of opinions happening anytime soon. My father's wrapped in his pinky finger. No, my entire family is.

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